anyone know of a mod to adjust difficulty by faction?

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5 months ago
May 19, 2024, 4:30:08 AM

asking as im really want to invade a united empire as archeon but they are always dead or controlled by a dozen other factions like Himrell or kazrak. i know on some games like gladius you can set specific factions to have different difficulty modifiers to buff them up than other factions , thinking that can allow more themed games,  anyone know of a mod to allow that? 

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5 months ago
May 19, 2024, 5:33:32 AM
Use Unnatural Selection + Mod Configuration Menu. With that mod you can configure power leverl of all faction, giving them bonuses that will only work vs other AI. 

In addition, I recommend using Hecleas AI overhaul mod, it makes AI more agressive vs each other and focus on building actual large empires.
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