Steam Tanks and Land Ships should only be able to be healed by Engineers, rather than Life magic.

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9 days ago
Sep 7, 2024, 2:38:26 PM

Just like with Tomb Kings Constructs and Necrotechts, Empire Warmachines should only be able to be healed by Engineer Lord and Hero "repair" abilities rather than being able to be healed by Life Magic. This will make much more sense thematically, and will also help balance these units considering that their healing capabilities makes them overperform in Multiplayer.

Updated 9 days ago.
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9 days ago
Sep 7, 2024, 3:59:28 PM

thematically yes it makes sense but the side effect would be that empire brings even more healing. not having to use lore of life on tanks means they can bring a very cheap engineer to heal tank and then a regrowth for karl franz and others. so I think it would make the healing problem even worse. Regrowth should just get nerfed

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9 days ago
Sep 7, 2024, 5:42:08 PM

Loupi#8512 wrote:

thematically yes it makes sense but the side effect would be that empire brings even more healing. not having to use lore of life on tanks means they can bring a very cheap engineer to heal tank and then a regrowth for karl franz and others. so I think it would make the healing problem even worse. Regrowth should just get nerfed

The difference in Healing output between Life magic and character abilities with charges like the ones Chorf Daemonsmiths and Necrotechts have is massive. The hero abilities have long cooldowns and limited charges, can't aoe heal and can't heal cap your units unless you bring multiple. Even in your scenario where it just adds more healing, you are still paying hundreds of extra gold just to get 2 charges of a weak single target heal.

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9 days ago
Sep 7, 2024, 11:34:48 PM

I agree. Give them the construct tag or something. 

Also in general, buff and debuff spells are not good enough compared to direct damage and healing. I think the game would benefit if many buff/debuff spells got a duration increase of maybe 10 seconds or so? Because its just better to use spells to straight up kill or heal things than to debuff. 

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7 days ago
Sep 10, 2024, 12:12:59 AM

Yeah mechanical units should be excluded from healing spells targeting. And honestly I wouldn't want any option for empire to heal their war machines. The faction already has plenty of options and engineer heroes already have a niche as ranged AP kite pieces.

Regrowth in general is just a cancerous spell in multiplayer. It doesn't matter much in domination because the opponent can just play the other points if you put a lot of resources in one unit. But in land battles it's a braindead spell that heal caps a target on two overcasts.

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6 days ago
Sep 10, 2024, 3:19:14 PM

cersbsb#2301 wrote:

Just like with Tomb Kings Constructs and Necrotechts, Empire Warmachines should only be able to be healed by Engineer Lord and Hero "repair" abilities rather than being able to be healed by Life Magic. This will make much more sense thematically, and will also help balance these units considering that their healing capabilities makes them overperform in Multiplayer.

Agree with this

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5 days ago
Sep 12, 2024, 5:47:50 AM

As long as this is universal for all war machines/constructs I'm fine with it. 

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