A Proposal for Maintenance Patches

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23 days ago
Jun 10, 2024, 8:40:12 PM

Dear CA,
I wish to acknowledge and ask that patches like 5.0.3 should be repeated, mainly the changes to unit stats, those have helped bring a breath of fresh air to the in-between of the largely awaited bigger patches. They don't need large rework like the mainline ones, instead they could have smaller changes to underperforming units, mainly stat changes as those would suffice and please everyone involved, including giving content creators the opportunity to create content every patch which would in turn increase exposure, alongside player retention.

Perhaps changes could be taken from Community-sourced, peer-reviewed balance recommendations for multiplayer battles (updated!) - Total War: Warhammer (creative-assembly.com) as it would be a broadly agreed place for sure, rapid ways to find specific improvements that would improve game balance.

Updated 23 days ago.
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23 days ago
Jun 10, 2024, 9:21:24 PM

those changes are not universally agreed on by any means but i agree there should be maintenance and balancing patches

Updated 23 days ago.
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23 days ago
Jun 10, 2024, 10:24:26 PM

That thread is not ‘universally agreed’. The stat changes suggested in that thread are basically based on multiplayer battlesI play mostly singleplayer campaigns, sometimes play multiplayer campaigns with friends, but I never play multiplayer battles.

Using the same set of stats for single player campaigns and multiplayer battles is somehow a laziness, and sadly, CA basically did it.

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23 days ago
Jun 11, 2024, 4:30:18 AM

Loupi#8512 wrote:

those changes are not universally agreed on by any means but i agree there should be maintenance and balancing patches

When I said "universally" agreed on, I meant the idea of maintenance patches that contain changes, not the changes themselves, I'm sorry if that created confusion.

Updated 23 days ago.
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23 days ago
Jun 11, 2024, 5:17:38 AM

CA's called out looking at the thread for changes publicly so I think noting it as a resource is fair game. Obviously CA is capable of using their own internal metrics and other suggestions when making balance changes as they regularly do. The key point, which I think everyone would agree with, is that more consistent patches aimed at improving balance in small ways would be positive for player experiences and the overall game health. Everyone who has been here for a while can attest to my strong desire for a chariot balance pass. :P

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23 days ago
Jun 11, 2024, 5:27:15 AM

yanghaohit#5017 wrote:

That thread is not ‘universally agreed’. The stat changes suggested in that thread are basically based on multiplayer battlesI play mostly singleplayer campaigns, sometimes play multiplayer campaigns with friends, but I never play multiplayer battles.

Using the same set of stats for single player campaigns and multiplayer battles is somehow a laziness, and sadly, CA basically did it.

Basing unit balancing on single-player is fruitless as long as you can stack a million permanent buffs on your units with very little effort. Those -2s and +1s that MP balancing usually consists of are obsolete only a few turns into any campaign. 

That's why I know whenever someone says they want single-player based balancing, they are actually saying "don't touch my overpowered toys!".

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23 days ago
Jun 11, 2024, 5:44:54 AM

yanghaohit#5017 wrote:

That thread is not ‘universally agreed’. The stat changes suggested in that thread are basically based on multiplayer battlesI play mostly singleplayer campaigns, sometimes play multiplayer campaigns with friends, but I never play multiplayer battles.

Using the same set of stats for single player campaigns and multiplayer battles is somehow a laziness, and sadly, CA basically did it.

I believe that splitting unit stats between Multiplayer battles and Campaigns would be a waste of resources and wouldn't benefit any side, especially since in campaign you can buff units extensively through tech trees, lords, heroes, landmarks. Any changes made to benefit the Battles crowd could be either undone if the change was a nerf, or could let a unit be even better through buffs, especially if it's a percentage buff.

A thread for campaign specific balance problems could always be created by the campaign crowd. I have doubts that it would be beneficial because of the inherent sandbox design of it.

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23 days ago
Jun 11, 2024, 6:15:18 AM

TainBoCuailinge#8335 wrote:
That's why I know whenever someone says they want single-player based balancing, they are actually saying "don't touch my overpowered toys!".

There is no logical connection between the two points. In fact, if you're a regular on this forum or go through some of my previous posts, you'll see that I'm one of the biggest proponents of nerfing those overpowered toys on this forum, and that I've long campaigned against the growing phenomenon of powercreep and all sorts of anti-strategy game design in Warhammer 3.

And by the way, unit balancing isn't about all nerf or all buff, it's both. ‘Don't touch my overpowered toys!’, that's a pretty funny retort.

TainBoCuailinge#8335 wrote:
Basing unit balancing on single-player is fruitless

You're misunderstanding what I'm saying. 

Is there a possibility that single player campaigns don't require the same unit balancing as multiplayer battles. Of course, single player battles need some sort of balancing (and not just units, but techs, skill trees, etc.), I'm saying that they don't need the sort of unit balancing that is traditionally basing on multiplayer competitiveness and antagonism. Diverse units of different races need to maintain their characteristics (based on lore and campaign positioning), and they shouldn't be subject to random campaign stat adjustments just because they underperform or overperform in multiplayer battles.

What I'm calling for is the building of two sets of unit stats , not 'basing unit balancing on single-player'.

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23 days ago
Jun 11, 2024, 6:38:29 AM

Player#273187 wrote:
I believe that splitting unit stats between Multiplayer battles and Campaigns would be a waste of resources and wouldn't benefit any side,

I have reservations about that. Creating two sets of data doesn't take up too much extra resources or cause waste, there are multiple stat overhaul mods in the steam workshop and some of them are maintained by a single modder rather than a team.

Player#273187 wrote:
especially since in campaign you can buff units extensively through tech trees, lords, heroes, landmarks

Yes, it's another solution, and I've seen CA make some attempts at it. But it's a relative compromise, and the pace of the game has been sped up considerably since Game 3, when CA deliberately simplified/weakened some of the game's basic mechanics and added all sorts of “official paid cheats” to the game's design. For some of low-tier early units, they are often obsolete and even no longer used before you have the relevant techs or skills for them. (Also, some of the CA techs are sometimes quite interesting, as some of the low-tier units are so far down the list of techs that you have to wait until turn 50 or even 60 before you can research them.)

Updated 23 days ago.
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23 days ago
Jun 11, 2024, 8:26:23 AM

Really appreciated the updates, having more like this would definitely aid in maintaining the game between the larger patches.

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20 days ago
Jun 13, 2024, 3:08:20 PM

Just here to add that I wholeheartedly agree that more frequent smaller maintenance patches focused on unit balance are extremely welcome. All factions, good or bad, have units that are out dated or don't perform the way they are likely intended and waiting for large DLC drops to hope they they get the very small tweak they need to be viable is an unfortunate way of enjoying the game.

Also I have to agree with the sentiment that most balance changes that the multiplayer community advocate for have such a small impact on that units usability in single player that those who primarily play campaign should not begrudge small changes that make multiplayer more enjoyable. Updating unit stats by 1 or 2 MA or by a small amount of WS can have very positive impacts on multiplayer and virtually no impact on single player. As stated above, buffs from lords and campaign mechanics completely overshadow any small tweaks to base stats to the point where SP is so marginally impacted its completely intangible. On that same note changes to unit cost in multiplayer (the most common method requested for balancing a unit) have ZERO impact on SP and are easy for CA to change and are very low effort.

CA and the community understand that SP is a large focus for a majority of players. Small frequent updates to keep units relevant benefit all aspects of the community.

Updated 20 days ago.
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19 days ago
Jun 15, 2024, 12:06:47 AM

yanghaohit#5017 wrote:

That thread is not ‘universally agreed’. The stat changes suggested in that thread are basically based on multiplayer battlesI play mostly singleplayer campaigns, sometimes play multiplayer campaigns with friends, but I never play multiplayer battles.

Using the same set of stats for single player campaigns and multiplayer battles is somehow a laziness, and sadly, CA basically did it.

Multiplayer campaigns typically do end up becoming multiplayer battles. Unless you only do co-op campaigns. 

I pretty much play head-to-head multiplayer campaigns with friends once a week or once a fortnight. So it's nice for CA to try and balance the sandbox. 

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