poison of sotek damage bug
2 months ago
Jul 23, 2024, 11:45:59 AM

The title says poison of sotek but i want to make it clear it specifically relates to the army ability, the bug is that it applies more damage (or too frequent) then it should, the ability says it specified damage PER SECOND however since this is a DoT that is casted on terrain and not a unit it instantly applies to the unit, which in turn kills it in a matter of seconds. this is because it doesnt actually apply its damage per second but per tick, with each tick that a unit stands on the affected ground of the DoT it instantly refreshes the timer (instead of counting down to 10 to 0 it keeps it at 10 until the unit is moved out) since the first damage is applied on a tick basis , and it refreshes as it stands on the ground the unit dies without being able to react. its quite simple to replicate as you only need to cast it on a unit and see what happens next, it doesnt matter if its skavenslaves or swordmasters of hoeth they will die far faster than what the ability says. for some reason this is inconsistent though and maybe the devs can enlighten me as to why sometimes it works as advertised and why (majority of the time) it kills the unit, does movement orders refresh ticks too? a suggestion on how this can be fixed for this ability and all future on the ground dots that will inevetibly have this issue: make it so that a unit suffering from a contact effect cant have it reapply until a second passed, this way it wouldnt instantly over apply itself but indeed only every second

Step by step of the bug
Step 1
aquire poison of sotek army ability
Step 2
cast it on an enemy unit
Step 3
enemy unit gone
General information
Spells / Abilities
Game version
5.1.2 - 28059
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Known Issue
Hey there! This is working in Ultra unit scale for me however this issue is related to direct damage/healing abilities not scaling correctly under Ultra. It's something we are looking into
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We try to look at all bug reports, but the more players confirm encountering a bug by upvoting it, the higher we will prioritize it. Investigating
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In your next game, try to reproduce this bug. If you consider the bug important, click to upvote it.
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2 months ago
Aug 3, 2024, 6:45:04 PM
5.1.2 - 28059

this issue is present in ultra too, i mainly play mp campaigns so maybe its related to the way your network code processes things, but things take rampant amount of damage sometimes, unless its meant to instakill units

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