The "resets to training even when embedded for troop replenishment" bug described above can be triggered by almost anything. Leveling up Kroak definitely triggers it. IIRC I saw it with all of these: moving an unrelated champion into the army (e.g. one that increases movement range), leveling up a different champion in the army, and I think I've even seen it trigger just by ending turn (he'll replenish for the turn you just ended, but then at start of next turn he's training again).

7 months ago
Jul 10, 2024, 10:43:19 PM
Step by step of the bug
Step 1
Embed Lord Kroak into an army / select Replenish Troops
Step 2
Fight in battle / Fight settlement
Step 3
Choose action determining outcome of battle
General information
Skills / Technology / Faction Effects
Game version
[5.1.1 - 27825]
After any action an army takes that Lord Kroak is attached to, they will default to receiving the Training bonus and not the Replenish Troops. This is even after the Replenish Troops was chosen when embedding Kroak to an army. You must remove Kroak from the army and embed him again to regain the Replenish Troops