

a month ago Nov 05,2024, 15:00:14 PM

Total War: WARHAMMER III - Dev Chat on 6.0 Design & Audio - What's Next

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Hey folks!

Back in June we put out our first "What's Next?" video, where you heard some of the WARHAMMER III development team to reveal the first details about our next DLC. You guys seemed to like it, so we went and did another one, and invited Mitch along to talk about our interim patches too. You also seemed to like this, so the question is; are you in the mood to hear even more about the next DLC and update 6.0? 

No? Oh okay, fair enough, guess we'll sign off now then...

But wait... if you DID happen to be interested, then you'll be happy to know we have another video for you! This time we are joined once more by a familiar face, Senior Game Director Rich Aldridge, for an update on development, along with Designer Josh King and Project Audio Director Chris Goldsmith, to dive a little deeper into their respective disciplines and what they've been working on for this upcoming DLC and update 6.0. (We're even in a snazzy new studio!)

Come for the DLC news, stay for the gross sound effects and shouty voices...

We have a lot more goodness coming your way towards the end of the month, including the first official DLC trailer, some tasty blog content, and a deeper look at the new Legendary Lords in their respective gameplay showcases. We'll also have some giveaways kicking off over on Discord where you'll have multiple chances of winning codes for the DLC on launch!

If you want to keep up to date with all of this, then be sure to join the official Total War Discord server and follow our social channels linked at the bottom of this blog.

Until next time, we'll see you on the battlefield!

Steve Coleman (KingGobbo) 

Senior Community Manager

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a month ago
Nov 5, 2024, 3:07:07 PM

Trailer end of November ? Looks like we'll have a packed and shorter marketing which is probably better than the usual three weeks one.

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a month ago
Nov 5, 2024, 3:10:15 PM

Neodeinos#5871 wrote:

Trailer end of November ? Looks like we'll have a packed and shorter marketing which is probably better than the usual three weeks one.

That does make sense, as they have already released a lot of info about the DLC.

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a month ago
Nov 5, 2024, 3:10:40 PM

Neodeinos#5871 wrote:

Trailer end of November ? Looks like we'll have a packed and shorter marketing which is probably better than the usual three weeks one.

Agreed. im super hyped for this DLC, it looks so good so far

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a month ago
Nov 5, 2024, 3:36:58 PM

CA please adapt the rules of "Armed to da Teef" to black orcs which allows a person to choose between them carrying a single hand weapon with a shield, two hand weapons, or a great weapon. This could be done in the campaign or in the battlefield but I would really like that implemented.

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a month ago
Nov 5, 2024, 3:48:34 PM

Neodeinos#5871 wrote:

Trailer end of November ? Looks like we'll have a packed and shorter marketing which is probably better than the usual three weeks one.

By the time the trailer drops, we'll probably know most of the units that are coming, which has never been the case. Their marketing schedule has been revamped quite a lot with this DLC. The trailer will basically reveal nothing substantial besides the usual great cinematics. It's just a necessary step that serves as a launching pod for actual gameplay reveals and general hype. As opposed to basically the single reveal moment of the DLC after months of hype and speculation, like its always been. So it makes sense that everything is a lot shorter and straight to the point post-trailer.

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a month ago
Nov 5, 2024, 4:12:23 PM

All_is_Dust#2202 wrote:

CA please adapt the rules of "Armed to da Teef" to black orcs which allows a person to choose between them carrying a single hand weapon with a shield, two hand weapons, or a great weapon. This could be done in the campaign or in the battlefield but I would really like that implemented.

Not gonna happen if they're selling Blorcs w/shields as DLC.

I could see it being implemented on the Krimson Killaz since they already have a trait called Armed to da Teef and because currently, basically all it does is give them a meagre amount of BvI. They could do it simular to how some Wood Elf units have different stances.

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a month ago
Nov 5, 2024, 4:56:22 PM

When chat DLC?

When working AI DLC? 

When MP leaderboard DLC?

Most aspects of the game literally don't work.

Ranged doesn't work.

Just look at that:

20241105162232_1.jpgObstructed? Excuse me, what is that Ironblaster obstructed by? It is standing in the middle of the open field, it's target is hovering in the air, there is a clear line of sight between them and it tells me "obstructed", stays idle for half a minute, AI makes you lose the game by simply not doing what you told it to do while it certainly can.

Now look at this:

Those guys are repeatedly shooting the ground and AI doesn't care about that.

Melee doesn't work.

The Toad Dragon is walking in instead of charging and then stays in an infantry unit trying to move instead of trying to attack. Lord of Change is moving to attack but instead getting stuck, unable to land for half a minute.

AI is not doing what you tell it to do and the game is not won by those who have better tactics or planning capabilities but by those who are getting lucky with their units JUST DOING WHAT THEY WERE TOLD TO DO.

And this is how Toad Dragon "fights". It stays in melee range, taking hits in the flank, looking at their opponent, losing HP, not trying to perform any attacks. Nice.

Most of the single entity monsters are just unable to fight. They are just not doing that despite you tell them to.

DLC units released long time ago are still unplayable.

Toad Dragon has 50% of Dread Saurian AP damage, 50% of Dread Saurians armor, 2/3 of it's HP so you guess it should cost 50%-60% of it's price right? But in current state it costs 2100.

You don't need 200 IQ to realize that if a unit has twice worse stats but it costs 87% of the other units cost then picking it is auto-lose.

Spells don't work

Most of the abilities don't work in MP

Here is a list:

Quite a good example is Skarbrand's Carnage & Slaughter which requires 300 kills to charge to 100%. On average, Skarbrand gets 30 kills in MP at the end of a successful match. 

Can we have a cosmetic DLC that would raise money for fixing the actual game instead of wasting it on adding more content that would be as broken?

I don't want to come across as a game hater, I used to like TW2 and played it a lot, but I'm definitely not happy with the state of the AI in TW3. I lose games more often because my units simply don't do what I tell them to do than because of what my opponent does. Therefore I'm definitely not happy with CA introducing more and more DLCs instead of dedicating efforts to fixing what's already in the game. I literally can't use units that I paid for half a year ago because they are so underpowered that picking them in MP is similar to just gifting your opponent 2000 gold for free.

I'm definitely not in favour of purchasing DLCs that introduce content that will not work in best case. In worst case it can break things that worked previously, like Thunderbarge DLC broke the MP balance entirely.

I would be happy to purchase some paid content if I would know that the money spent is used on fixing the game instead of adding new content. Like, badges for the profile in MP or additional faction colours which require zero effort to implement.

I hope the game gets fixed eventually.

Updated a month ago.
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a month ago
Nov 5, 2024, 6:03:05 PM

When Slaangors, Exalted hero of Slaanesh, Slaanesh elite cav? CA hates Slaanesh...

When Nurgle halberds? No usable antilarge in the roster.

When marked chaos lords and sorcerers on dragons? When Ogre lords on mounts? 

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a month ago
Nov 5, 2024, 6:55:09 PM

The new Khorne UI pleases me. Know that you have pleased me.

That thing at the end, is this what people call "asmr"?

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a month ago
Nov 6, 2024, 10:03:07 AM

davedave1124#4773 wrote:

"Gameplay Trailer later this month!"

Great Communication CA - Thank you!

I agree. i like that the communication has been regular too! Every month to 6 weeks is a good cadence!

Dont forget the SOBB CA! 

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a month ago
Nov 7, 2024, 11:11:12 AM

meme ariel-min.pngjustice for Snaggla, forest goblins, tree spirit forms, and Ariel !

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a month ago
Nov 9, 2024, 3:33:30 PM

Two things.

1. Why isn't Rich wearing a full-size Chaos Dwarf Hat? I think that should be obligatory.

2. It would be good to hear what owners of both Ogre DLCs will get. As things currently stand the owners of the first one will just have a couple of rather disappointing LLs in Skrag and Greasus.

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24 days ago
Nov 13, 2024, 2:29:35 PM

Obsidius#2999 wrote:

Anyone else really hoping for a road map once this is released?

No, I think they can become a weight around CA's neck and some pathetic little runts overspeculate and then use any divergence from the road map as a reason to attack CA. I think CA would be much better advised to just handle each release one at a time and only announce each one when they are quite advanced in development.

Let them retain the flexibility to mix and match as they see fit. They know, after SoC that the community wants quality and value for money - the sensible players will not just buy any content (although the dribbling halfwits who bought SoC at release, will).

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