The shortcomings of the forum are highlighted by the current discussions.

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5 months ago
Dec 15, 2023, 12:15:17 AM

The old forum had it's fare share of issues, but it still had better tools to gather feedback than this one, something that CA cannot afford to mess up in such a critical situation.

The lack of a dedicated Feedback section, solely dedicated to the sharing of ideas about how to improve the game, sentences many posts that otherwise could be really interesting to discuss to irrelevancy and makes it harder for the Devs, since they have to go around filtering feedback posts from others.

Another big shortcoming IMO is the lack of a like/dislike system, a simple and effective way for people to express their opinion about a comment or post, making it extremely easy for the devs to see at a glance what ideas are liked by the majority of the forum.

IMO if these 2 issues were addressed, it would be easier for CA and us to engage in constructive feedback and ultimately work together for the betterment of the game.

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5 months ago
Dec 15, 2023, 12:18:55 AM
mecanojavi99#6562 wrote:
Another big shortcoming IMO is the lack of a like/dislike system, a simple and effective way for people to express their opinion about a comment or post, making it extremely easy for the devs to see at a glance what ideas are liked by the majority of the forum.

They can just DM me. I've got Christmas week off.

CA: Thats a standing offer, I wont even expect payment. DM me and I'll fix you right up with the feedback from myself and my 4 friends. We have not steered you wrong yet, as you well know from the old forum.

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5 months ago
Dec 15, 2023, 12:34:35 AM

I've actually offered myself for QA. My job allows me a lot of downtime and I have an eye for typos, errors, graphical and texture issues to name a few. I'm that guy that zooms right in. I want this game trilogy the best it can be to the smallest detail.  Perfectionist. My blessing and my curse.

Updated 5 months ago.
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5 months ago
Dec 15, 2023, 12:45:17 AM

I feel bad for the mods, to have to try and navigate and read this place. Hopefully the mod tools are decent!

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5 months ago
Dec 15, 2023, 10:49:59 AM

Haha, I miss the like/dislike function too. The abuse was crazy, I wouldn't be surprised if Lunatic Prince and Arnie (and some others) broke their mouses by spamming the dislike button. It served as a vehicle for the most frustrated members of our community to harmlessly vent their rage. That being said, not being able to send private messages is probably a bigger handicap.

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