Dear CA, i have a difficulties with several LLs, please nerf

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4 days ago
Jun 24, 2024, 10:59:30 PM

I came here to cry, for the following LLs are sooooo nuisance to fight against, please nerf.

First  off all i have to ask if you just don't want to remove ward save from a game completely. No ? Pitty. Such a ridiculous  attribute. Namely please :

1) Grimgor - too much of a punch. Also please convert his  high ward save to physical, also NERF it. Damn, i can't kill him 1v1 with anyone, doesn't matter his army is trashed already for a several minutes, i swear i no noob, i just can't sort out how to kill him

2) Malekith. His disruption of my abilities is so tedious. Please remove. Damn he has no wards safe. OK - please move his physical resistance to - NO resistance.

3) Tyrion- his resistances, despite being small , low HP entity, already forgoten ( from an animal he was back in WH2)  are tooo high. Also his rebirth" trait is so OP.  Sometimes i almost have him, but then he rebirth and masacre all my  units in rage, then he mock me. Remove please.

4) Tamurkhan- you mad? how could you even bring something like that into my precise noob game  . I don't need to explain anything i hope. Remove him completely, or at least get him a toad of a real size and remove his  leech trait- how unfair that shit is.

5)Thorek ironbrow - how can i even manage to secure such huge  distance a 100 m is ?  My casters liiterally obliterate themselves. that should be nerfed to symbolic 1 damage easter egg, also rainbow unicorns  should  run  out that explosion, to remind me he was  sort of dangerous in the past.

6) Ungrim ironfist - Now you really are not serious, are you?  30, you hear me? 30 % WARD SAVE. Unbelievable. Also excesive 100+ AL bonus damage, with all skills packing almost 700 damage without active abilities.  My characters just die right from beggining of battle just seing his terrifying  slayer  punky - hairstyle. Absurd. This guy doesn't need a nerf, but a quarantine !!!!

7)Wurrzag - that guy is casting  unbearably dangerous  spell in speed of rantling gun fire rate.  GAZE OF MORK.  Killed  multiple my imaginary friends in my handpicked armies. Could you imagine if he learned fot of gork spells one day? Anyway , this needs to impose some cooldown restrictions, as he is too lethal.

8) Vlad for Carstein- despite being a thorn in the eye of noobs since WH3  IE existence  , this guy needs even more nerfs.  Blooddrinker shouldn't drink anymore, as well as Isabella shouldn't have her cup always full. Both are notorious and deprave all those lazy retards, for whom is even hard to click his units away from him with his speed of 40 ......

9)Belakor- Dark shroud - 40? % ward safe for such huuuge period of time? That thing should at best confuse himself as he should not see anything arround , thus should  just fly in a cyrcle. No no no, what did i say? Then a newer players  could complain their peasant archers can't hit him.  STUCK in a place  with  even a negative resistances thats it.

No i am sorry, not your fault. You must keep those newbies stay tunned. Him and his AI is punished for a single thing he can do to be at least seen. Exapand rapidly early game. Because if he wouldn't  , you could aswell bug him  back to stay freezed in Drakenhof as Mannfred was? back in WH2 ? When a bunch of trolls complained about absolut same and how their pittifull imperial authority crumbling because ofthem. 

Nobody can even dare to touch this absolutely non fantasy shity faction a Empire to not lose you revenues hay?

I get that.

Updated 4 days ago.
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11 hours ago
Jun 28, 2024, 11:50:56 AM

instead of fixing some existing bugs they....
I dont think nerf vlad is a good idea, I have 7k hours in this warhammer total war and still playing in VH/VH, I dont say how u guys should pick your difficulty but please don't automatically set it to legend just because u see youtuber do that. Damn, a lot of new players came to ask me how to play while thay are in Legendary difficulty
I know what u mean in this post but yea, we are playing with the cards we are dealt not what we want. Instead of nerf these lord, please CA fix some f'kin annoying bugs first. Gate bug, ladder bug, Lord Kroak bug.... I report these for years but they are in "Knowned issue" zone for so long. 
Anyone play long enough knows that the battles is won before it happens, if u struggle yourself in battle then lower difficulty and practice more. I always fight manually even with the green casualty, If that battle too easy I will autoresolve but If I feel like I can't win I will challenge myself by fighting it manually

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