CA needs to calm down a bit with map wide nuke abilities.

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a month ago
May 10, 2024, 10:36:58 AM

With the new DLC Tamurkhan gets a nurgling nuke he can use every battle, he'll unlock it by increasing fealty with his chieftain and you get it super early in your campaign. Tamurkhan is already incredibly powerful he didn't need something like this to be even more powerful, at least with Elspeth you have to unlock and refill your nuke which takes time. 

I've had the same issue with the Chaos Dwarfs, they have so many map wide abilities that they can use everywhere and all the time in their Tower of Zharr mechanic. We don't need abilities like this everywhere CA, they just make those factions incredibly tedious and annoying to play against. It's completely unneeded when those factions are already incredibly strong without it.

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a month ago
May 10, 2024, 10:52:44 AM

100% agree.

Calm down with these types of abilities, it's too damn powerfull and annihilate the strategy during battles.

Or unlock it After lvl 20-30...

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a month ago
May 10, 2024, 10:57:31 AM

AI overall needs massive buffs, if they even add 1 more army to the current AI i think it could help out as it will slow down early game so much, currently the AI dont build enough armies but then i see my ally with like 30... whats going on here? its like the game is now setup to never lose? 

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a month ago
May 10, 2024, 11:20:25 AM

Seeing an army ability that can one-shot a unit will often cause me to autoresolve a battle I might otherwise enjoy playing. Powerful abilities are fine, but I'd rather they were turned down just a little. 

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a month ago
May 10, 2024, 11:26:45 AM

Agree, they cannot be like cheat codes for every battles ... It's ridiculous

DrJammat#8325 wrote:

Seeing an army ability that can one-shot a unit will often cause me to autoresolve a battle I might otherwise enjoy playing. Powerful abilities are fine, but I'd rather they were turned down just a little. 

Updated a month ago.
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a month ago
May 10, 2024, 12:10:09 PM

Yep the AI is not agressive enough, it blobs too much and does not make good use of their faction strenghts

hurricane501#1568 wrote:

AI overall needs massive buffs, if they even add 1 more army to the current AI i think it could help out as it will slow down early game so much, currently the AI dont build enough armies but then i see my ally with like 30... whats going on here? its like the game is now setup to never lose? 

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a month ago
May 10, 2024, 2:05:43 PM

DrJammat#8325 wrote:

Seeing an army ability that can one-shot a unit will often cause me to autoresolve a battle I might otherwise enjoy playing. Powerful abilities are fine, but I'd rather they were turned down just a little. 

Absolutely agree.

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a month ago
May 10, 2024, 2:24:40 PM

This post was started by a known Troll who complains about every fun thing the game has.  If it was up to him.  It would just be dude with sticks going at each other.  The game needs epic game changing abilities.  The more the better.  Give each faction one.  If everything is OP, then nothing is.  Even CA said that.

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a month ago
May 10, 2024, 2:32:23 PM

Like I can understand certain instances where it makes sense, like Ikit’s nuke… but why does Tamurkhan have a random Nurgling rain nuke? It makes no sense for the character. Ku’gath I could understand, but for Tamurkhan? 

It seems like it was added as another button to press that trivializes any battles.

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a month ago
May 10, 2024, 2:40:18 PM

lauera9482#8602 wrote:

This post was started by a known Troll who complains about every fun thing the game has.  If it was up to him.  It would just be dude with sticks going at each other.  The game needs epic game changing abilities.  The more the better.  Give each faction one.  If everything is OP, then nothing is.  Even CA said that.

Away and boil yer head.

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a month ago
May 10, 2024, 2:46:19 PM

Garbage take. Nuking abilities with no counter play take all the strategy out of this so-called "strategy" game.

lauera9482#8602 wrote:

This post was started by a known Troll who complains about every fun thing the game has.  If it was up to him.  It would just be dude with sticks going at each other.  The game needs epic game changing abilities.  The more the better.  Give each faction one.  If everything is OP, then nothing is.  Even CA said that.

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a month ago
May 10, 2024, 2:57:12 PM
Hoooo an other known troll is back...
lauera9482#8602 wrote:

This post was started by a known Troll who complains about every fun thing the game has.  If it was up to him.  It would just be dude with sticks going at each other.  The game needs epic game changing abilities.  The more the better.  Give each faction one.  If everything is OP, then nothing is.  Even CA said that.

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a month ago
May 10, 2024, 3:31:46 PM

Because Malus surely can't solo the entire campaign from turn one.

Oh, wait a minute..

The ability to delete a few unis is nothing compared to being literally unkillable while also hitting like a freight train.

Updated a month ago.
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a month ago
May 10, 2024, 9:03:05 PM

Yeah, it also just removes the uniqueness of factions who should have stuff like this when you hand them out to every other DLC lord.

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a month ago
May 10, 2024, 9:17:44 PM

Why this stark difference between off-map artillery? Black Arks, Vampire Pirateships and Ikit's Nuke have noticeable lag that allow the alert player to dodge them. Chaos Dwarf tower artillery has close to none. Why? Why can't CA's design stay consistent? I mean if it wasn't for this garbage I'd actually enjoy playing Chaos Dwarfs a whole lot more.

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a month ago
May 10, 2024, 9:31:19 PM

100%. Even if you can dodge most of this abilities if you'careful, it's annoying. This doesn't increase the challenge, only encourages to cheese. 

DrJammat#8325 wrote:

Seeing an army ability that can one-shot a unit will often cause me to autoresolve a battle I might otherwise enjoy playing. Powerful abilities are fine, but I'd rather they were turned down just a little. 

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a month ago
May 11, 2024, 6:27:31 AM

Yeah they all need to be nerfed or got rid off. Dark elfs and chorfs are by far the worst culprits though and I also tend to auto resolve the battles against them rather than dealing with the cheese. I'd literally get rid of most of them leaving Ikits nuke as the only one. Game would be way better for it. 

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a month ago
May 11, 2024, 8:14:19 AM

​​​Although I have added a certain tiresome bloke (Initialled ‘L’) to my blocklist, I still can't avoid seeing his trollish comments when others quote his posts (albeit in rebuttal to his words). So annoying.

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a month ago
May 11, 2024, 9:23:03 AM

Totally agree, Ikit's and the Dark Elves one were bad enough, but Chaos Dwarves are ridiculous. Between the army powers, the first Hashut spell hitting like a ton of bricks and the dreadquake mortars it's a miracle if you make it to their lines intact...

And on the other hand these things are mostly useless to the player because the AI almost always dodges the worst of it.

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a month ago
May 11, 2024, 11:22:08 AM

I agree.
I like mechanics like these, but they shouldn't just be easily available 100% of the time.
I want to work for my perks.

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