If you want to know what's happening ask the staff

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19 days ago
Jun 8, 2024, 10:05:21 PM

Terrible management, Sega picking CA apart, 0 interest in historical games, under staffed etc.

They are all on Glassdoor reviews for CA, interesting stuff.

I think CA's overall rating is 3.5 which is about average, especially the last 2 years (since the release of WH3) has been seen by the staff as huge mistakes and I imagine this has generated a lot of bad reviews.


Updated 19 days ago.
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19 days ago
Jun 8, 2024, 10:27:15 PM

Can we get a URL link? I feel like I'm suffering from severe nearsightedness.

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19 days ago
Jun 8, 2024, 10:34:24 PM

Creative Assembly Reviews: What Is It Like to Work At Creative Assembly? | Glassdoor


At this current time, there are no pros to working for this company. 6 years ago, my opinion may have been different but the only 'pro' is the free food.


The company has been run into the ground by managers who just don't know what they're doing. None of them have successfully run companies before, in fact the Studio Director has already run one or two games companies into dust prior. The workforce is being reduced from around 700 (originally) to 280 come June 2024 following a SECOND, massive round of redundancies. Guess who's not impacted at all - the senior 'leadership' team, one of whom is on north of 200k and is mates with the boss. They have no qualifications or experience in the industry and don't seem to be performing any job role. It's a boys club, they couldn't manage their way out of a paper bag - proven by the devastating layoffs 2023 and upcoming in 2024. They overpay meaning finding a job outside of there near on impossible. Avoid.

Advice to Management

SEGA need to cut management right back, even get rid of all senior management, and hire someone who knows what they're doing. Oh, and perhaps don't drive into work showing off your brand new, custom Porsche. Yeah, they really are that bad.


CA use to be an incredible company to work for, however over the last 6 years it has been run into the ground by terrible leadership. The recent redundancies have really proven this as the work force has been cut and yet not one member of the senior leadership team has been put at risk. The salaries these people are on is absolutely shocking and they have shown zero remorse to any of the staff, especially Gareth who enjoys rocking up in his custom porche!! Lets not also forget how he is also close "friends" with the new HR director from CA North (she has zero HR experience and yet is paid double what the previous one was on who has all the experience). No-one ever really understood the point in that studio either and yet they are still going! The whole process has brought so much to light and really opened peoples eyes to the shocking truth of what's been going on over the last few years. Avoid like the plague they don't deserve your skills and talent!!

Updated 19 days ago.
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19 days ago
Jun 8, 2024, 10:43:51 PM

​It's not surprising really, and it reads like a lot of organisations. Management in general are paid vast amounts of money in return for just being average workers. 

Work from home hits home for me. I'm about to look for a new job and one of my requirements is no more than two days in the office per week, ideally it'd be zero and to just have occassional in person get togethers. Companies that can't adapt to that are losing out on a lot of workers just so managers can sit in offices full of people who would rather be working from home. 

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19 days ago
Jun 8, 2024, 10:46:29 PM

Beast_of_Guanyin#8747 wrote:

​It's not surprising really, and it reads like a lot of organisations. Management in general are paid vast amounts of money in return for just being average workers. 

Work from home hits home for me. I'm about to look for a new job and one of my requirements is no more than two days in the office per week, ideally it'd be zero and to just have occassional in person get togethers. Companies that can't adapt to that are losing out on a lot of workers just so managers can sit in offices full of people who would rather be working from home. 

Gotta make themselves feel better at the expense of others. What is the point of buying a new yacht if you can't flaunt it to the plebeians?

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19 days ago
Jun 8, 2024, 10:48:09 PM

I believe their issue is he drove it in around the time of the layoffs as well as it being a monument to the idiocy of overpaying someone who caused the layoffs while receiving no consequences.

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19 days ago
Jun 8, 2024, 10:55:50 PM
After all that's happened, it doesn't seem surprising to see this, just feel more pessimistic about the future of this favorite game. Sigh.

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19 days ago
Jun 8, 2024, 11:07:15 PM

Averath#4228 wrote:

Beast_of_Guanyin#8747 wrote:

​It's not surprising really, and it reads like a lot of organisations. Management in general are paid vast amounts of money in return for just being average workers. 

Work from home hits home for me. I'm about to look for a new job and one of my requirements is no more than two days in the office per week, ideally it'd be zero and to just have occassional in person get togethers. Companies that can't adapt to that are losing out on a lot of workers just so managers can sit in offices full of people who would rather be working from home. 

Gotta make themselves feel better at the expense of others. What is the point of buying a new yacht if you can't flaunt it to the plebeians?

I think it's largely because that's how they like to work, and they feel like people who don't do it are slackers. When in reality going in makes me exhausted and ruins my work/life balance.

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19 days ago
Jun 8, 2024, 11:30:48 PM

Good god this is depressing. Like bro, you have a whole team of passionate devs working on a super-popular game, with a fanbase rabid to spend cash on DLC. How can to f*** it up that bad? How can you go from the top gaming studio in Britain to this mess?

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19 days ago
Jun 8, 2024, 11:37:21 PM

"Code quality is really bad. It's basically cowboy coding all the way. Some examples: Some programmers use camel case, other snake case for the same type of symbols in the same class. C++ access specifiers lose all meaning. C++ core guidelines are a foreign term. Development basically works through bug fixing. Half-finished feature is pushed into production and then patched until no QA notices anything. Barely any inter-team collaboration resulting in stuff needing to be rewritten. Very superficial automated testing. No systems to address tech debt (it's either absolutely burning issue or it can be done later). "

Any programmers? What do you think of this?

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19 days ago
Jun 9, 2024, 12:10:08 AM

they should give the dlc developpement to Sofia, can't be worst than that, they should have done that from the beginning in fact

Updated 19 days ago.
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19 days ago
Jun 9, 2024, 12:13:38 AM

valexis2#4045 wrote:

they should give the dlc developpement to Sofia, can't be worst than that, they should have done that from the beginning in fact

Why would that help? The devs aren’t the issue, it’s higher management 

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19 days ago
Jun 9, 2024, 1:43:37 AM

davedave1124#4773 wrote:
Any programmers? What do you think of this?

Basically it screams poor management, zero process or standards, and overworked resources.

There is a reason basic flaws had to be fixed by the community.

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19 days ago
Jun 9, 2024, 3:39:24 AM

davedave1124#4773 wrote:

"Code quality is really bad. It's basically cowboy coding all the way. Some examples: Some programmers use camel case, other snake case for the same type of symbols in the same class. C++ access specifiers lose all meaning. C++ core guidelines are a foreign term. Development basically works through bug fixing. Half-finished feature is pushed into production and then patched until no QA notices anything. Barely any inter-team collaboration resulting in stuff needing to be rewritten. Very superficial automated testing. No systems to address tech debt (it's either absolutely burning issue or it can be done later). "

Any programmers? What do you think of this?

It's pretty much what I expected. The different cases HAVE to be a nightmare to debug. I'm surprised that they didn't mention poor commenting being an issue. Some people like adding variables as they go, some people like to at beginning and then reference it throughout the program. Going back and reading a vague comment (assuming that there is one) about a change to a string (including your own change that you swore that you'd remember, lol) can be discouraging. If these types of practices are widespread it will likely lead to apathy and disillusionment. 

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19 days ago
Jun 9, 2024, 4:19:46 AM

At this point I will only buy WH3 at the very end of its shelf life, after seeing if modders can fix the worst bugs in it.

If not, then forget it.  I am only 1/3 through WH2 anyways.  Perfect game (well, WH3 mods are more spectacular I admit).

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19 days ago
Jun 9, 2024, 8:12:01 AM

Some of the reviews are outright hilarious. Many of the issues underlined had already been noted. When the sexual harassment scandal broke out, many former employees, including Grace, brought up the issue of extremely low salaries. A famous Youtuber (can't remember his name, it was the guy that interviewed Jack Lusted and had his channel hacked twice) refused a job at CA, because he couldn't afford paying the rent. Tech debt and bloat are also known issues. That being said, Gareth's salary is standard practice in the United Kingdom. For mainland Europe that sounds excessive, but the situation in the US is even worse.
image loaded from url

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19 days ago
Jun 9, 2024, 10:30:00 AM
davedave1124#4773 wrote:

"Code quality is really bad. It's basically cowboy coding all the way. Some examples: Some programmers use camel case, other snake case for the same type of symbols in the same class. C++ access specifiers lose all meaning. C++ core guidelines are a foreign term. Development basically works through bug fixing. Half-finished feature is pushed into production and then patched until no QA notices anything. Barely any inter-team collaboration resulting in stuff needing to be rewritten. Very superficial automated testing. No systems to address tech debt (it's either absolutely burning issue or it can be done later). "

Any programmers? What do you think of this?

This reminds me how we always talked about Spaghetticode in the old forum, even back when WH1 was still the main game. 

At least since the norsca debacle in game 2 it was obvious that they had this issue, IIRC they needed to make them from the ground up again for the combined map. 

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19 days ago
Jun 9, 2024, 11:39:08 AM

Sheikh_Nimr#9382 wrote:

Some of the reviews are outright hilarious. Many of the issues underlined had already been noted. When the sexual harassment scandal broke out, many former employees, including Grace, brought up the issue of extremely low salaries. A famous Youtuber (can't remember his name, it was the guy that interviewed Jack Lusted and had his channel hacked twice) refused a job at CA, because he couldn't afford paying the rent. Tech debt and bloat are also known issues. That being said, Gareth's salary is standard practice in the United Kingdom. For mainland Europe that sounds excessive, but the situation in the US is even worse.
image loaded from url

There wouldn’t be an issue with his salary if he ran the company competently, didn’t hand over 200k jobs to his mates and actually had a measure of emotional intelligence.

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