I hope some pharao mechanics carry over to future total war titles as I really like them.

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25 days ago
Jun 2, 2024, 6:01:06 PM

​​City battle maps are AMAZING

Yup that’s it, the cities are clear, have capture points that have a direct effect on the map, and the roads often are very clearly a different colour from the buildings without much trash on them. So, you easily know “These are the roads through the city”.

Sadly though, most of the fights happen on the edge of the city as the armies simply are too small to block every entrance route, maybe each city should be a little smaller, with a huge plaza on the centre if you happen to have additional units left over in case the enemy seems to push through one specific road.

More capture points would be nice too, just to incentivise the army to spread out a bit.

Post battle fight animation

The many different brutal post battle fight animations are absolutely awesome.


Trading for different resources

The different resources are a cool concept, but I often find myself just buying what I need from AI factions with a resource that I have in abundance, where they want what I have, and they don’t care about what I want to buy for optimal trades.

(they don’t want stone but want bronze, I sell them my bronze for their stone)

While new, it doesn't make the game interesting or fun.


Variety of different resources

I love that building costs and unit upkeep are a separate resource. Although I wish this was simply part of a closed economy, where you don’t have to rely on trade, as the trade doesn’t add all that much from my experience.

For example, I would prefer if you could build stone and food production buildings anywhere (and bronze/wood not being a thing).

Where recruitment and upkeep costs food, and building something costs stone.

I like food/stone because it gives a bit more depth to the city planning.



I honestly didn’t find outposts very interesting, they don’t provide noteworthy bonusses and are super exposed. More often I invest resources in them, only for the AI to raze them. 


Campaign customization options

This was probably the single best feature I’ve seen. It’s simple and often solved through the modding community, but I absolutely love it. Randomizing the map was fantastic. I hope we also get the option to select a custom starting location.

Another favourite option of mine was increasing the unit upkeep by 50%, this made garrisons much stronger and delayed 20-unit armies to the mid game, making playing with 20 units feel much more special.


The gods, campaign mechanics and ambition missions

I honestly don’t find these all the interesting sadly, the gods feel like blank stat boosts, so I’m not too interested. 

The campaign mechanics for example with the sea peoples where they can get buffs from settling or roaming also doesn’t draw my attention. Although I absolutely love the fact that the sea peoples can build empires.

The ambition missions are cool, but feel more like free rewards or impossible missions. Not particularly interesting either.


Unit advance/push give ground formations

These are extremely buggy from my experience and I never felt the need to use these much. If you select one of these abilities mid fight, the entire unit tries to force a box formation that causes it to completely twist or turn and take damage due to its formational collapse in the midst of combat.


Influence mechanic

I like how influence has an effect on how much income you gain from your provinces.

However, I’m not a huge fan of how the base population has their own modifiers, meaning it is harder to convert a culture as a foreign culture and it will never reach 100%.

I would prefer it to be the same as the corruption mechanic in warhammer 3, where it is a base value ranging from 0 to 100, and it can directly be changed with buildings.

I think it would also fit better if it was renamed to religion, as that played a huge role historically.

So, for example Alexandria is 20% Christian, 80% Islam. If I am Hindi, and I build a religion building, it increases Hindi in the province by +1% per turn. 

This means each turn:

Hindi increases by +1%.

Christianity decreases by -0.2%.

Islam decreases by -0.8%.

This means I can convert the province completely to Hindi, and there are no hidden base population modifiers, and it is much easier to comprehend.

Maybe if medieval 3 is ever developed, this could be a nice change to introduce.


What I hope carriers over to future total war titles

I love the additional empire management resources and city planning aspects and I hope the following remain or carry over:

·         Public order to manage rebellions.

·         Influence/Religion/Culture (in the style as wh3 corruption) to scale resources generated from the province.

·         Growth (labour force) required to build buildings.

·         Food to recruit and upkeep units.

·         Stone required to build buildings.

I honestly can’t wait for the Pharao team to do a medieval 3, featuring the entire world. Where medieval 3 begins in the early medieval era and ends with the first world war era.

So roughly starting when William the conquer conquered England (1075) and ending in 1900, ending before the introduction of aircraft.

Would that be ambitious? Yes. Would it encompass a huge range of eras with a ton of content that can be developed into the existing total war engine? Absolutely. Previous total war games have already proven gunpowder and melee can work fine in the same battle engine. And the modern total war campaign mechanics are so in depth and detailed that they fit in any era.

It would also have the option of forming nations just like in paradox titles. For example if you are playing Kingdom of France or Manchuria or Holland, you can form the French republic, Qing or the Netherlands after a certain date.

With additional startdate scenario's like the renaissance start date if people want to start in the Napoleonic era or the start of colonization etc.

Updated 25 days ago.
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25 days ago
Jun 2, 2024, 6:24:10 PM

I mean it wouldn’t even be that complicated to create a medieval-to-victorian era total war.

You put all human entities to have say 100 hp.

Then you make all guns deal 100 armour piercing damage with varying degrees of accuracy and fire rate.

To set someone’s general unit to only lose the general if the entire unit has died (to prevent general sniping).


And then you just add the wide flavour of melee units that come through the era’s.


With units able to use formations, so for example Napoleonic era gun infantry can use kneeling fire, which just means the front line of troops kneels which enables the second line to also fire.

And enable line infantry to form a square which gives a bonus against large.

Or pikemen with a phalanx and pike square etc.

It’s all been done before in total war, it would be an easy step to just recycle all that and put it all together in one huge historical game.

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25 days ago
Jun 2, 2024, 7:43:54 PM

Glad to hear other people enjoying it, although not always agreeing on this.

City maps feel rather the same to me. Yeah I've seen capture points give a slight bonus but never found it useful - by the point my force is there and needing that I'm going to lose anyway. I think the bigger change is the need to use siege equipment and not just one turn attack with catapults.

Personally I skip the post battle animations but good to hear it wasn't wasted on everyone lol.

Resource trading I think it fits the period the game is in, but doesn't fit for the series as a whole. Other periods they are better as a trade resource being exchanged for money for the state like normal.

Outposts I find the opposite, they are a good boost for power. I tend not to build them on the vulnerable edges of my empire tho. I find the defensive ones a nice idea but fail vs players (I siege enemy forts so they can't help the settlement which bypasses their investment) but the production and religious buildings make a big difference. It's also useful for the movement bonuses when in your own regions. Depending where you are as well the short buff of immunity to desert attrition is needed for effective expansion.

torak8988#3885 wrote:

I honestly can’t wait for the Pharao team to do a medieval 3, featuring the entire world. Where medieval 3 begins in the early medieval era and ends with the first world war era.

So roughly starting when William the conquer conquered England (1075) and ending in 1900, ending before the introduction of aircraft.

That...really wont be possible. Sheer cost it wouldn't be viable.

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25 days ago
Jun 2, 2024, 11:02:56 PM


But it doesn't have to be all that detailed, for example if every faction gets say a few units per era in each class, the demand could easily be met.

I mean the napoleonic era can be summarized by artillery + line infantry + skirmishers + lancers, as a baseline for roughly all factions of that era.

And the musket era essentially has the same, just instead of skirmishers they have pikemen.

Yes, there is less detail or less niche historical units will be featured, but the overal scope is where it is at, it captures the advancement of technology, which is a part I really loved about medieval 2 and shogun 2.

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24 days ago
Jun 3, 2024, 6:00:50 PM

torak8988#3885 wrote:


But it doesn't have to be all that detailed, for example if every faction gets say a few units per era in each class, the demand could easily be met.

I mean the napoleonic era can be summarized by artillery + line infantry + skirmishers + lancers, as a baseline for roughly all factions of that era.

And the musket era essentially has the same, just instead of skirmishers they have pikemen.

Yes, there is less detail or less niche historical units will be featured, but the overal scope is where it is at, it captures the advancement of technology, which is a part I really loved about medieval 2 and shogun 2.

Considering the flack Historical already gets for lack of unit diversity, building a game to strip that out needlessly seems a terrible idea. It'd also be skipping the advancement of tech for most of that if you boil it down that much. Most of the game will be just your Napoleonic units. 

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24 days ago
Jun 3, 2024, 7:19:38 PM

I mean that's kind of the point of my suggestion

expanding the timeframe significantly increases unit diversity

and since half the game is still set in the medieval period, not to mention you can play as japan, china, indians etc.

there is an absolute TON of diversity going around, not only do you have the medieval era, but also the gunpowder era, each with a wide range of technological improvements in them.

line infantry is going to be a lot deadlier than musketeers

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24 days ago
Jun 3, 2024, 7:52:08 PM

torak8988#3885 wrote:

I mean that's kind of the point of my suggestion

expanding the timeframe significantly increases unit diversity

and since half the game is still set in the medieval period, not to mention you can play as japan, china, indians etc.

there is an absolute TON of diversity going around, not only do you have the medieval era, but also the gunpowder era, each with a wide range of technological improvements in them.

line infantry is going to be a lot deadlier than musketeers

But it doesn't if you strip the time periods down to bare minimum units. Most of the games time frame will end up with the exact same units for it. Otherwise like I said its not possible for them as it will be too expensive to make and sell. It also runs the issue that people wont experience that range of units as most players don't play that long.

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24 days ago
Jun 3, 2024, 8:42:16 PM

don't forget, we are talking about a world map

you get the european medieval/gunpowder units

and the asian, indian, american, african, siberian, middle eastern etc.

there's so much content to feast on, and they can always print an "england DLC" or something that adds some extra english specific units if they weren't featured in the basegame.

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24 days ago
Jun 3, 2024, 10:02:03 PM

torak8988#3885 wrote:

don't forget, we are talking about a world map

you get the european medieval/gunpowder units

and the asian, indian, american, african, siberian, middle eastern etc.

there's so much content to feast on, and they can always print an "england DLC" or something that adds some extra english specific units if they weren't featured in the basegame.

I know we are, which really doesn't help it any more, that just makes it even worse for making it. There's unlikely to be an England in that game. They wont have the province count for it.

A change in the colour of the skin wont help it. The bluecoats vs red coats vs white coats in Empire didn't make it more varied.

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24 days ago
Jun 3, 2024, 10:29:30 PM


but like i said, it isn't about europe

its a global map, there's tons more cultures

europe is just a tiny portion of it

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24 days ago
Jun 3, 2024, 10:44:39 PM

global map.pngTake for example this map, red focusses on important zones, orange on secondary important zones and yellow on simple zones.

If we take a map of about 350 settlements, we can spread them over this map. Where the region size is greatest in the yellow zone, and the smallest in the red zone.

Meaning settlement density is highest in the red zone, and lowest in the yellow zone.

I'm sure something can be easily made.

I mean yes, maybe the startdate should be pushed to the foundation of america, as otherwise you'll have fan favourite factions not be present at the games start date.

Updated 24 days ago.
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24 days ago
Jun 4, 2024, 9:11:58 AM

torak8988#3885 wrote:


but like i said, it isn't about europe

its a global map, there's tons more cultures

europe is just a tiny portion of it

Everywhere will be just a tiny portion of it. There wont be the province count for more. Much of the rest of the map has no unit diversity over this period - they historically got conquered by Europeans and their developments before that were rather limited. So it wont have the unit diversity and will barely have faction diversity as a result.

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23 days ago
Jun 4, 2024, 12:31:47 PM

just make some fantasy units for those factions

I mean it isn't too complicated to imagine the american plain natives using primarily skirmisher muskets

And asian armies line infantry etc.

Some creative freedom is needed if you want to explore alternative history

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23 days ago
Jun 4, 2024, 2:18:01 PM

torak8988#3885 wrote:

just make some fantasy units for those factions

I mean it isn't too complicated to imagine the american plain natives using primarily skirmisher muskets

And asian armies line infantry etc.

Some creative freedom is needed if you want to explore alternative history

It is if they haven't ever experienced muskets. And when you are cutting out historical units to save time and money...seems pointless to spend it on making fantasy units for non playable factions which much of the map will be covered with.

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23 days ago
Jun 4, 2024, 4:44:48 PM

non playable?

No I mean quite specifically yes, you can play as the native americans, who share the same research tree as all other factions, but where their historical units end, fantasy units are filled in.

It's empire total war, but with a global focus, you can play as anyone on the globe, and still have a full roster of units for every era, they're just fantasy units roughly fitting their historical theme.

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23 days ago
Jun 4, 2024, 5:09:36 PM

Commisar#2307 wrote:

torak8988#3885 wrote:

just make some fantasy units for those factions

I mean it isn't too complicated to imagine the american plain natives using primarily skirmisher muskets

And asian armies line infantry etc.

Some creative freedom is needed if you want to explore alternative history

It is if they haven't ever experienced muskets. And when you are cutting out historical units to save time and money...seems pointless to spend it on making fantasy units for non playable factions which much of the map will be covered with.

Total war only provides players with a certain historical background, but players are the creators of history in the game, as long as backward civilizations are given a certain amount of time and opportunity, they still have the opportunity to learn from more advanced civilizations, or even become advanced civilizations, total war should not limit the development direction of these backward civilizations, more randomness can have more diverse challenges.

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23 days ago
Jun 4, 2024, 5:36:07 PM

Commisar#2307 wrote:

torak8988#3885 wrote:

just make some fantasy units for those factions

I mean it isn't too complicated to imagine the american plain natives using primarily skirmisher muskets

And asian armies line infantry etc.

Some creative freedom is needed if you want to explore alternative history

It is if they haven't ever experienced muskets. And when you are cutting out historical units to save time and money...seems pointless to spend it on making fantasy units for non playable factions which much of the map will be covered with.

When we play Pharaohs attacking the Aegean Sea and Babylon, when we play any country of the three kingdoms unify China, when we lead the Muslims to occupy Rome in the Middle Ages, total war is out of history and into the fantasy stage, because there has never been any proof that the above powers actually did those things.

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22 days ago
Jun 5, 2024, 6:32:13 PM

torak8988#3885 wrote:

non playable?

No I mean quite specifically yes, you can play as the native americans, who share the same research tree as all other factions, but where their historical units end, fantasy units are filled in.

It's empire total war, but with a global focus, you can play as anyone on the globe, and still have a full roster of units for every era, they're just fantasy units roughly fitting their historical theme.

As in half the map will have no playable faction in it. They have no factions that can compete on the same level as everyone else.

It would have to start as fantasy, a lot of these areas we have no real historical sources on and it would have to go fantasy from the start if they are to be playable to make them playable.

Then again you wont have the game. It's not possible for them to make a full roster of such a time frame for each faction.

ZWY#7702 wrote:

Total war only provides players with a certain historical background, but players are the creators of history in the game, as long as backward civilizations are given a certain amount of time and opportunity, they still have the opportunity to learn from more advanced civilizations, or even become advanced civilizations, total war should not limit the development direction of these backward civilizations, more randomness can have more diverse challenges.

It still bases the factions and their progress on history. Why we don't see the Native Americans in Empire using advanced weapons.  It's not about them being backwards they weren't it's that they are on very different technological lines. If it takes most of the game before you see these more advanced civilisations to learn off, that's a boring game and means you are going to be a few thousands years out of date still.

ZWY#7702 wrote:

When we play Pharaohs attacking the Aegean Sea and Babylon, when we play any country of the three kingdoms unify China, when we lead the Muslims to occupy Rome in the Middle Ages, total war is out of history and into the fantasy stage, because there has never been any proof that the above powers actually did those things.

When we play as the Sea People we don't get tech they didn't have. There's a difference between us getting options of where to attack and what they build in to the base game as the tech.

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22 days ago
Jun 6, 2024, 3:38:03 AM

Commisar#2307 wrote:

torak8988#3885 wrote:

non playable?

No I mean quite specifically yes, you can play as the native americans, who share the same research tree as all other factions, but where their historical units end, fantasy units are filled in.

It's empire total war, but with a global focus, you can play as anyone on the globe, and still have a full roster of units for every era, they're just fantasy units roughly fitting their historical theme.

As in half the map will have no playable faction in it. They have no factions that can compete on the same level as everyone else.

It would have to start as fantasy, a lot of these areas we have no real historical sources on and it would have to go fantasy from the start if they are to be playable to make them playable.

Then again you wont have the game. It's not possible for them to make a full roster of such a time frame for each faction.

ZWY#7702 wrote:

Total war only provides players with a certain historical background, but players are the creators of history in the game, as long as backward civilizations are given a certain amount of time and opportunity, they still have the opportunity to learn from more advanced civilizations, or even become advanced civilizations, total war should not limit the development direction of these backward civilizations, more randomness can have more diverse challenges.

It still bases the factions and their progress on history. Why we don't see the Native Americans in Empire using advanced weapons.  It's not about them being backwards they weren't it's that they are on very different technological lines. If it takes most of the game before you see these more advanced civilisations to learn off, that's a boring game and means you are going to be a few thousands years out of date still.

ZWY#7702 wrote:

When we play Pharaohs attacking the Aegean Sea and Babylon, when we play any country of the three kingdoms unify China, when we lead the Muslims to occupy Rome in the Middle Ages, total war is out of history and into the fantasy stage, because there has never been any proof that the above powers actually did those things.

When we play as the Sea People we don't get tech they didn't have. There's a difference between us getting options of where to attack and what they build in to the base game as the tech.

The story background before the game starts is the real history, and what the player sees after the game starts is the player's own history. As long as the technology meets the productivity level at that time or has the opportunity to realize things, they can be properly fantasized. For example, in the original Total War : Medieval 2, the Byzantine Empire has almost no regular army musketeers. Because the late Byzantine Empire in history did not have enough wealth to establish its own musketeers, often can only hire mercenary musketeers who are not easy to supplement, but we play the Byzantine recapture of the Roman homeland, accumulate a lot of wealth after still can not form a regular army musketeers is how regrettable and abnormal things, this time appropriate fantasy units can make the game more real. As a matter of fact, war is a means of communication in science and technology, economy and culture among different civilizations. Maritime nations are bound to absorb the science and technology, economy and culture of other civilizations in numerous wars of aggression, and maritime nations will gradually make progress in the communication with these civilizations. The history of total war is a parallel world, which belongs only to the players. In the course of normal historical development, the maritime peoples should also have access to technology that they did not have in their history, and which, as long as it matched the level of productive forces of the time, could appear as a fantasy. It is a pity that the present total war unduly limits the course of development of a later civilization.

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