TW Starwars leaked...

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a month ago
May 17, 2024, 9:23:38 PM

I mean i thought it was 40K cooking, i dont get how starwars will add much factions? 

Empire and Rebels? 

Empire literally have the best units so how does this work? 

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a month ago
May 17, 2024, 9:30:49 PM

hurricane501#1568 wrote:

I mean i thought it was 40K cooking, i dont get how starwars will add much factions? 

Empire and Rebels? 

Empire literally have the best units so how does this work? 

No, the Empire has the most expensive units, not the best ones. The most consistent flaw of the Empire's military gear is that they sacrifice basic functionality for bombast and the payoff simply isn't worth it most of the time.

The Venator was a more cost-effective vessel than the Imperial Class, the AT-TE was a better "tank" than the AT-AT, Republic starfighters were better than the TIE trash the Empire throws out...the list goes on and on.

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a month ago
May 17, 2024, 9:47:21 PM

X Doubt. 

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a month ago
May 17, 2024, 10:14:43 PM

I will repost my YT comment:

"Okay, think about it seriously though. A Star Wars game has a by miles larger fanbase than Warhammer and would be an even bigger commercial potential hit. It could even be marketed as the kid-friendly total war (with more mature options and DLCs like the blood packs) and introduce a far younger audience (with parent money) to the franchise. From a business perspective, Star Wars would be the better option."

hurricane501#1568 wrote:

I mean i thought it was 40K cooking, i dont get how starwars will add much factions? 

Empire and Rebels? 

Empire literally have the best units so how does this work? 

Also reposting a YT comment:

"Unique subfactions: Gungans, Geonosians, Hutt mercenaries, Pirates, Night Sisters, Mon Calamari, Wookies... to just name a few."

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a month ago
May 17, 2024, 11:14:22 PM

Leaked is a strong word, the only source is some random website that claims to have a source telling them it is in development and that's it. I have some serious doubt about that source.

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a month ago
May 17, 2024, 11:31:37 PM

I will believe it when I see it. Until then, I will not believe this rumor is true, because it makes absolutely no sense.

Not only do they already have strong ties to another corporation, and easy access to another IP through Warhammer 40,000, but Star Wars would be much, much harder to actually work with.

Think about it. The ground battles in Star Wars have never been the focus. Even during the Clone Wars, they paled in comparison to the Space Battles. Star Wars is war among the Stars. This would require them to not only reinvent an entirely new game mode, because their previous naval battle system would not at all work, but they'd have to absolutely nail the delivery.

No offense to Creative Assembly's developers, but I cannot see their leadership providing us with a superior experience to Star Wars: Empire at War, a game that came out in 2006.

And then there's the era. The Clone Wars is the only era that makes sense. The Galactic Civil War and the utterly ridiculous sequels would not work great in the Total War formula. The Rebellion and "Resistance" are not standing armies. They are guerrilla fighters. They are cells. And that wouldn't really be fun to fight in the Total War formula, would it?

The Clone Wars also has the problem of being very... narrow in scope. You have Clones, Clones, and more Clones. And then you have Droids, Droids, and even more Droids.

While they could go Expanded Universe, I highly doubt that they'll actually do so, because Disney killed it. They don't want to have to pay royalties.

Updated a month ago.
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a month ago
May 17, 2024, 11:59:18 PM

Why the hell some people keep using the word leak for things that are clearly not leaks?

Has a trailer released earlier? Someone stole and uploaded footage? CA accidentally released info ahead of time? No? Then it's not a leak.

It's literally a single article in a single online magazine that claims that they have a trusty source that tells them that the game is in development, that's the defitinion of rumour.

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a month ago
May 18, 2024, 5:13:14 AM

You'd have to draw on the EU to make ANY of the timelines have enough LLs for this to work, you'd HAVE to spit in Disney Canon's eyes for this to work.

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a month ago
May 18, 2024, 7:42:47 AM

I'm somewhat interested. But I'm not excited at all. The House of Mouse murdered my excitement for the universe. Clubbed it like a baby seal on the frozen shores of Canada. Then they took its face and wrapped around their collective behind to relieve themselves through its mouth.

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a month ago
May 18, 2024, 8:09:21 AM

Okay but those named are either just a few units or heroes (night Sisters), more or less the same (what exactly is the difference between Hutt Mercanries and Piarates?) and some are flat out the main military if one of the main factions (Mon Calamari are the Rebels captial ships).

The most credible from the named would be probably gungans (can be put together with the rest of Naboo also giving them a bit of Space warfare) and maybe the Wookies since they also should have somewhat of a full army (mind you all the tanks see in Episode 3 were Republic/clones.

None of those compare what in 40k would be a "race".

Also reposting a YT comment:

"Unique subfactions: Gungans, Geonosians, Hutt mercenaries, Pirates, Night Sisters, Mon Calamari, Wookies... to just name a few."

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a month ago
May 18, 2024, 9:50:01 AM

I mean the lore have tons of chips and units especially  in legend of course some races make no sense on their own but some could work as sub faction

SiWI#8629 wrote:

Okay but those named are either just a few units or heroes (night Sisters), more or less the same (what exactly is the difference between Hutt Mercanries and Piarates?) and some are flat out the main military if one of the main factions (Mon Calamari are the Rebels captial ships).

The most credible from the named would be probably gungans (can be put together with the rest of Naboo also giving them a bit of Space warfare) and maybe the Wookies since they also should have somewhat of a full army (mind you all the tanks see in Episode 3 were Republic/clones.

None of those compare what in 40k would be a "race".

Also reposting a YT comment:

"Unique subfactions: Gungans, Geonosians, Hutt mercenaries, Pirates, Night Sisters, Mon Calamari, Wookies... to just name a few."

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a month ago
May 19, 2024, 8:05:45 AM

The main problem with a star wars is that they will sell a licence, not a game.

The game could be bad it will sell even if it's bad

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a month ago
May 23, 2024, 3:44:16 AM

Disney absolutely murdered Star Wars. CA making a TW game out of it would be an agonizing man asking a corpse for help.

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