Untriggerable abilities in MP.

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4 days ago
Jun 30, 2024, 5:11:16 AM

1. Skarbrand: Slaughter & Carnage is triggered at 300 kills made by Skarbrand. Not possible to achieve in MP. Change to fully trigger at 100 kills or 10K damage dealt. Or change to trigger based on the damage dealt (100% effect on 10K inflicted damage). 

2. Belakor: Blade of Shadow triggers at 300 kills. Sometimes the whole enemy army has less than 300 units in total. And not all the units in the enemy army are going to be killed by just Belakor, right? Change to fully trigger at 100 kills or 10K damage dealt

3. Chaos Warshrine of Corn: Giver of furious glory is triggered at 300 nearby deaths and has very weak effect (+15% WS +8 MA). Change to buff MA and WS without any requirements for nearby deaths. Or buff its fully charged effect. By the time your whole army got 300 kills you already won the match in some cases.

4. Paragon of Carnage: triggers at 200 nearby deaths. Herald if Khorne's Revel in Slaughter gives the same +8 MA constantly without any requirements. Change Paragon of Carnage to 50 deaths requirement and give +15 MA instead of +8 when fully charged.

5. Bloodreaper / Herald of Khorne: Hellblade requires 80 kills. It is not possible to gain that much by the end of a match in MP and hero/lord will likely focus on killing high-value targets, not peasants. Change kills requirement to 25-30 or change the ability to trigger at 3K damage inflicted.

6. Exalted bloodletters of Khorne: Hellblade requires 80 kills. It is achievable but by the time a unit will have that much in MP it's already almost dead if it was fighting something stronger than peasants. Change to trigger at 50 kills.

7. Slaanesh Soulscent passive (Exalted Daemonettes, Hellflayers, Heartseekers): 50m range, 100% triggers at 5 units with leadership "Wavering or lower" in range. It's unlikely to see that much broken units packed so densely in MP at the same time. I've never seen this ability to fully trigger even after army losses make the whole army rout. Increase ability range to 200m. Let almost any wavering/routing unit in the enemy army contribute towards this ability triggering condition. Let it fully trigger at 4 units (i.e. each routing/wavering gives +25% instead of 20% current).

8. Slaanesh Soulhunters: requires 200 kills to fully trigger. By the time one of your units has 200 kills match is already over. Sometimes the whole army has about 200 units in total. Under no circumstances an anti-large cheap and expendable unit like Hellstriders of Slaanesh may get 200 kills. Change to fully trigger at 20-30 kills. 

9. Bloodgreed (Minotaurs, heroes, Ghorgon - Beastment / Khorne): requires 200 kills. Not possible to achieve in MP even for anti-infantry minotaurs, there can be less than total 200 troops in the enemy army and we don't expect a single unit of minotaurs to defeat the whole army of the opponent to trigger the ability at the end of the match. Under no circumstances ANTILARGE heroes or minotaurs greatweapons can gain that much kills. Change to fully trigger at 20-30 kills.

Updated a day ago.
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4 days ago
Jun 30, 2024, 5:43:03 AM

Skarbrand, Be'Lakor & MP kills. 

1. Skarbrand vs Bretonnia, 13 kills & 3200 damage value.



2. Skarbrand vs Bretonnia, 106 kills, 2165 damage value. My whole army lost less than 300 troops during the whole match!20240607002622_1.jpg

3. Nkari, 37 kills.20240609101810_1.jpg

4. Skarbrand, 43 kills 3065 damage value.20240609132332_1.jpg

5. Belakor, 28 kills vs Skaven.20240626173306_1.jpg

6. Nurgle vs Khorne. Daemon prince of Nurgle - 7 kills total. Enemy Skarbrand 6 kills 2584 damage value. 

Total number of my whole nurglish army was 211 !!!!!!!! and I won with it. My whole army wouldn't be enough to trigger Belakor's Blade of Shadows or Skarbrands ability fully. My opponent lost 259 unit models in total at the end of the match !!!!!!!!!!! The whole number of lost units in total is much less than the number of kills required by these abilities to fully trigger.

7. 2vs2 match, Belakor 52 kills total, 6925 damage value !!!!!! In that match he literally massacred more than half of a full army with just 52 kills. Would be enough to trigger the 200 gold worth ability by 15% i.e. at the end of the match when the game is over it gives +8% WS. Such a joke. Nurglish -10% WS triggers at the start of the match without any requirements and costs less. 20240521150431_1.jpg

8. Belakor vs Tzeentch, 105 kills.20240522175003_1.jpg

9. Skarbrand, 72 kills, 3500 dmg value.20240522181350_1.jpg


10. Skarbrand, 52 kills, match with zombies. 3900 value because you don't beat zombies with Skarbrand, you beat something that costs a lot. Kills don't win you the match. My whole army lost less than 200 tropps in total during the match!20240522182829_1.jpg


11. Belakor, 10 kills vs Skaven. 3900 damage value.20240522184120_1.jpg

12. Belakor 68 kills vs TK. 20240522185259_1.jpg

13. Belakor, 48 kills 3800 value vs WE. Total number of all kills in my army is 278, it would not be possible to trigger Blade of Shadow even after the match is already won.


14. Belakor, 148 kills vs Kislev.20240523043731_1.jpg
15. Skarbrand 160 kills vs Kislev. 20240523050153_1.jpg

16. Skarbrand 1 kill vs Slaanesh. 20240523071857_1.jpg

17. Skarbrand 65 kills vs WE.


18. Skarbrand 57 kills vs Dwarf. My army lost less than 300 troops in total! The whole enemy army lost a little bit more than 300 in total!


19. Skarbrand 109 kills vs Siggie.


20. Skarbrand 120 kills 4200 damage value in 2v2. And there were hella zombies in the match. 


21. Belakor 7 kills vs Elspeth. 

22. Kugath with giga mortis blob, 52 kills. 5200 damage value.


23. Kairos. 35 kills 3702 damage value.


24. Exalted Bloodthirster, 42 kills.


NOTE: In all the above mentioned matches the tested units performed exceptionally well. In sub-optimal conditions they can do worse. Also the stats are captured after the match ended but in order for the effect of an ability to be useful it must take effect in the middle of the match or even earlier. There is no point in triggering the ability when the outcome is already decided. 

Conclusion: Even in the best possible conditions those lords that generate very high damage-value, have less than 100 kills in total in 18 cases out of 24 examined. A competitive army can sometimes include 200-300 troops in total. When one side dealt about 300 kills in a match - the outcome of the game is already decided.

Updated 3 days ago.
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4 days ago
Jun 30, 2024, 8:31:25 AM

Agree with your post.

Chaos Dwarf's Blazing Body effect for some of it's SEMs is also pretty hard to achieve since it requires very long time of staying in melee against the enemy.

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