Armoured cossars GW need their 4 MA back.

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8 days ago
Jun 25, 2024, 6:37:28 PM

This boys now have melee stats worse than empire swordsman, and became strugguling in melee Theyre do about 50|50 to chaos warriors. Do hardly lose to chaos warriors gw( this difference in 100 (13%cost) gold does not represent  difference in combat, when Gw chaos warriors end up with 3k+ k healht remaining. Even more Ak gw now even struggle ws gor herd with cost of 600.

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8 days ago
Jun 25, 2024, 7:03:25 PM

Also loosing to same price longbeards. Well, seems like it is time to ause poor balancing and start to play streltsi instead of this 750 gold garbage.

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8 days ago
Jun 26, 2024, 3:57:47 AM

but…. They have guns.

If you need actually killers tzar guard are extremely good units to back them up, as are things in the wood.

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8 days ago
Jun 26, 2024, 4:11:27 AM

eumaies#1128 wrote:

but…. They have guns.

If you need actually killers tzar guard are extremely good units to back them up, as are things in the wood.

And so what&No unit in ame balanced by cost in terms of spending all ammo. Ak are able to do 2 volleys before fight.And even this case theyre hardly underperforming.
It is line infantry, the core of army.It is not free company militia.

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