people are using a variety of cheats.

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9 days ago
Jun 23, 2024, 11:50:50 PM

These are all the cheats I've noticed: screen cheat [being able to see opponents army in selection], unit manipulation [ I've seen where they make it so my lords wont attack or move, on top of it their heroes doing half my heroes health in one charge, also making it so my units won't move/attack/shoot],  also this guy basically was manipulating his gold count and unit respawn. i killed 4 furies and he brought them all out in like a min or two maybe less on top of like 2-3 dogs, so around 2-3k gold on top of it .  point of this is there are cheaters on mp in this game.  most people dont but there are for sure a few. i see them mostly in rank. im well aware of of the stat changes that happen because of hero buff/unit abilities and trust me i take these things into account. Please do something about the cheaters in your game admins/devs.

Updated 8 days ago.
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