Cheating with Steam Tanks.

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22 days ago
Jun 11, 2024, 2:01:48 AM

Steam Tanks can ignore attacks from behind from horse mounted characters. Not only they are so unbalanced that a steam tank with volley guns beats Rot Knights in melee (!!!) but also they allow to completely break the game and simply ignore units that are supposed to directly counter them.

And most of The Empire players are already taking advantage of this! As if picking two tanks + Elspeth + life mage isn't cheesy enough, this guy kept moving his Steam Tanks away most certainly knowing that it is invulnerable this way:

Subverting the rules or mechanics of the game to gain an unfair advantage over other players is classified as cheating in online games. Like duping your loot or seeing through walls. Now we officially have cheaters in Warhammer 3.

Full game replay:

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22 days ago
Jun 11, 2024, 1:54:22 PM

Its not cheating and you shouldnt blame players for using the toys CA gave them. you should blame CA for lack of QA and balancing

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21 days ago
Jun 11, 2024, 8:55:29 PM

Loupi#8512 wrote:

Its not cheating and you shouldnt blame players for using the toys CA gave them. you should blame CA for lack of QA and balancing

Ofc CA is mostly responsible for the state of the multiplayer and poor balance of the last DLC. Here I'm talking about exploiting bugs however.

There is clearly a bug in the game that allows a 55 speed unit to ignore attacks from 78 speed units from the rear. It mustn't but it is able to if the player performs a certain pattern of actions.

And this guy in the video is purposely exploiting this bug. Why would you move your tanks away from a faster unit and move them in a straight line instead of trying to protect them / screen with infantry / leave them in melee so that they get attacked in the face and have higher chance of blocking the attack? Why to expose its rear indefinitely unless you know it gives 100% invulnerability?

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21 days ago
Jun 11, 2024, 10:43:34 PM

On the point about the steam tank being unable to be hit by horse mounted characters in their rear arc, I'm 99% certain the issue is the horse mounted characters having broken attack animations. There's bug reports on it currently and in my testing against most targets they fail to attack unless side by side with the target.

Updated 21 days ago.
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21 days ago
Jun 12, 2024, 1:32:36 PM

Good find! And thx for sharing.

There is indeed a fine line between cheesing and cheating.

Although I almost always share your opinion @Loupi , in this case my verdict would be: this IS cheating. This is not a tool CA delivers to the player.

This is a bug. And to exploit a bug in oder to get an advantage, well, this is the definition of cheating, right?

Be it as it may, this needs to be adressed by CA ASAP.

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20 days ago
Jun 12, 2024, 6:21:03 PM

Geraldo7#7246 wrote:

Good find! And thx for sharing.

There is indeed a fine line between cheesing and cheating.

Although I almost always share your opinion @Loupi , in this case my verdict would be: this IS cheating. This is not a tool CA delivers to the player.

This is a bug. And to exploit a bug in oder to get an advantage, well, this is the definition of cheating, right?

Be it as it may, this needs to be adressed by CA ASAP.

i dont know, given CAs general lack of QA, if we called using every bugged unit and interaction cheating, then everyone in the game would be a cheater. Anyone using thunderbarge, landship, soulgrinder, medusa, steam tanks, cathayan artillery and so on, would be a cheater; they all have problems caused by bugs/unintended consequences of changes that give them unfair advantages.

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