Unit caps problems.

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25 days ago
Jun 9, 2024, 6:23:36 AM

1. Chaos sorcerer lord of Nurgle counts towards heroes cap. It mustn't.

2. Bloodthirster of Khorne is capped at 1 for no good reason. So we can have Exalted Bloodthirster + generic one, we can have Skarbrand + generic bloodthirster, but chaos lord + 2x generic bloodthirsters for some reason no. Most of the other factions can pick 2 greater daemons (Great Unclean One, Exalted Flamers, Lord of Change, Keeper of Secrets, WoC can have two Shaggoths). Increase Bloodthirsters cap 1 => 2, let lords like Skarbrand and Exalted Bloodthirster count as 1 of bloodthirsters.

3. Bastiladons. For some reason feral bastiladons are capped at 2. It should be noted that different versions of bastiladons do not share tactical niches i.e solar, revival and melee bastiladons mostly serve different purposes. For such a cheap expendable monster being capped at 2 is too much of a limiting factor. Other cheap monsters do not count towards RSE cap for example $650 Snow Leopards have a separate cap of 3, $800 Beast of Nurgle serve exactly the same purpose as Feral Bastiladon and are capped at 4. Also there is nothing wrong with having 3 bastiladons, in TW2 we were running triple solar bastiladons builds and it wasn't anyhow toxic, anyways LM can have 3 artillery monsters with 2 bastilo + 1 stego. Increase Bastiladons cap to 3. Make feral bastiladons count towards bastiladons cap but not rare single entities cap.

4. Stegadons are capped at 2 even though different versions serve totally different purposes. It isn't anyhow toxic to have 2 melee stegadons + 1 ballista stegadon. Stonehorns ($1800!!!) and Stonehorns with harpoon launchers have separate caps. Remove stegadons cap, let them be limited by rare single entities cap only. Or introduce separate caps for melee stegadons and ranged ones so that they don't overlap.

5. HE dragons have a cap of 2 each. So we can have 2 Moon Dragons + 1 Star Dragon but 3 Moon Dragons or 3 Sun Dragons for some reason are not allowed. Why?

6. Kharibdyss and Hydras share a tactical niche and serve more or less the same purpose so they could count towards the same cap.

7. Empire war machines (Land ships and steam tanks) serve the same purpose - they all are uncounterable single piece artillery, so they could count towards the same cap of 2 "Big war machines". Builds with 2 unbreakable land ships are cheesy as hell, builds with 2 unbreakable land ships + unbreakable steam tanks must be definitely prohibited.

8. Fimir warriors are capped at 3 for some reason, even though you can pick 4 skin wolves or 3 fimir warriors + 1 fimir warriors GW without any problems. Would be better to bump the cap of fimir warriors to 4 each.

9. Dwarven Gyrocopters and Gyrocopters with Brimstone guns should count towards the same cap.

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