Make Daemons of Chaos Faction Available/Playable In Multiplayer Rank Battle

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8 months ago
Nov 13, 2023, 7:50:15 PM

I will love to see the Daemons of Chaos Faction Available/Playable in Multiplayer Rank Battle, I would love to play the Faction in Multiplayer Rank Battle build an army around Khorne/Nurgle an army of Toxic Rage or build an army around Khorne/Tzeentch an army of Rage and Sorcery.

this is just my opinion but I think it would be cool if Daemons of Chaos Faction was allowed to use save Demon Prince Lords in Multiplayer Rank Battle so people can show off their Demon Prince, like a mix between Slaanesh/Nurgle or Khorne/Tzeentch or one fully dedicated to one of the chaos gods, I get why idea will not be added but I still think it would be a nice addition.

(will love to hear people's opinion on it)

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5 months ago
Jan 29, 2024, 10:06:38 AM

I have been crying about this since release ...
The individual Daemon-Princes would be INSANELY awesome if they found a way to somehow include them in ranked.
But for now: CA has been dead-silent about this.
We don't even know WHY they are not allowed!

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5 months ago
Jan 30, 2024, 11:48:56 AM

I have a couple of theories but the wound of appears most logic to me  is balancing issue, but that is just a theory for now until we get official information from CA why the faction is not available in Rank PVP

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5 months ago
Jan 30, 2024, 6:15:10 PM

I am against it specially because of balance issues.

If ypu make them available next thing you will hear the bitching to make them good.

Undoubtedly making something broken in monos.

Quote frankly i would staight up remove or reduce the amount of shared units in the rosters. And make them all extended roster units. So some one can use them in tourneys but ca isn't  needed to balance them for all the factions and can focus of them being good in one roster.

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5 months ago
Feb 2, 2024, 5:58:23 PM

I mean, that doesn't really make sense.

Creating a balanced unit on one roster will keep it balanced in the others, barring when a feature (such as healing) is broken that one roster doesn't have. 

Not to mention, DoC is considered D-C tier in both modes, so buffs to demons in the form of leadership or reducing crumbling damage won't really break things. You can look at their WR from vermin league and Total Tavern.

They have one of the coolest rosters! Bring them into quick play.

Edit: Although Campaign demon lords should 10000% not be in quick battle. They would be impossible to balance and could easily be pre-IE Be'lakor 2.0

Updated 5 months ago.
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5 months ago
Feb 3, 2024, 10:15:28 PM

I understand if some people disapprove of the idea of using saved campaign Daemons of Chaos Demon Princes, but I think it could work for it doesn't matter if you saved a lv50 Demon Princes for he will appear as a lv6 demon prince and his stats will be reduced to match the level, but all in all i think it will be a nice feature to be able to show off your own demon prince in rank multiplayer battles.

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5 months ago
Feb 4, 2024, 7:48:16 PM
bob_bob_bob#9068 wrote:

I mean, that doesn't really make sense.

Creating a balanced unit on one roster will keep it balanced in the others, barring when a feature (such as healing) is broken that one roster doesn't have. 

Not to mention, DoC is considered D-C tier in both modes, so buffs to demons in the form of leadership or reducing crumbling damage won't really break things. You can look at their WR from vermin league and Total Tavern.

They have one of the coolest rosters! Bring them into quick play.

Edit: Although Campaign demon lords should 10000% not be in quick battle. They would be impossible to balance and could easily be pre-IE Be'lakor 2.0

Do you play the game?

Which is stronger giant in Norscan roster or giant in orger kingdom roster?

Balancing a unit have to take two things in to consideration roster it self and over all balance.

Try taking isebella who is a low tier vampire lord and give her to some thing like lozardmen and make her ability work on living heros you would skink cheifs making circles around on you with ancient stags.

Hell remember when she was a hero just how lovely it was to deal with near unkillble blood dragon lord.

Same thing will happen here . The buffs needed for daemons to be a good faction is much higher than buffs needed to make individual mono gods daemon units good.

Simply because mono gods have acess to mortals to play the missile catch part. 

Any level of thougt beyond a surface level of thinking should have made this clear.

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5 months ago
Feb 4, 2024, 9:55:48 PM

Lol at that slippery slope.

Funnily enough giants are finally viable on all rosters but tend to excel where the OP element is: healing.

Yeah I am in the competitive scene and most good players agree DoC would be balanced in quick battle.
You should join MP tournaments and come see for yourself. 

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5 months ago
Feb 4, 2024, 11:29:27 PM
bob_bob_bob#9068 wrote:

Lol at that slippery slope.

Funnily enough giants are finally viable on all rosters but tend to excel where the OP element is: healing.

Yeah I am in the competitive scene and most good players agree DoC would be balanced in quick battle.
You should join MP tournaments and come see for yourself. 

look dude i am not saying doc is not balanced i am saying is when they are fully availble there is nothing preventing players from trying and asking for balance on them. to make them good you need far bigger decisions than to make them good in monos.

is that too hard to comprehend? giants  were good even in most wh2. but there is power gap btween healing or no healing. hell even in the rosters that giants are availble with out healing gc and bmgiants are stronger than norscan or woc , since they are better at shutting enemy range .

look i can give you more examples

Nurgle shrine stronger in woc

great eagels stronger in HE acess to plague of rust

trolls basic only ever used by GC

IEB better on kislev 

MVB better in following order kairos, woc and tzeentch

the point is moment you make them available the players will ask specific buffs to units based on doc prefermonace and that will break the balance on monos. this is just common sense.

as for tourney comment i don't like using discord , i always miss massages. secodndly i just don't have the time to spend on tourney have limited game time.

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5 months ago
Feb 5, 2024, 11:49:48 AM
saweendra#3399 wrote:
bob_bob_bob#9068 wrote:

Lol at that slippery slope.

Funnily enough giants are finally viable on all rosters but tend to excel where the OP element is: healing.

Yeah I am in the competitive scene and most good players agree DoC would be balanced in quick battle.
You should join MP tournaments and come see for yourself. 

look dude i am not saying doc is not balanced i am saying is when they are fully availble there is nothing preventing players from trying and asking for balance on them. to make them good you need far bigger decisions than to make them good in monos.

Well at least you are a step up from the [100% Wrong ofc] ppl that proclaimed them to be barred from Ranked because of them being supposedly "OP" while the opposite is in fact the case.

But for real now dude:
Your argument is basically, 'PPL will cry because they will be UP'.

Let me put it like this:
PPL are ALREADY crying :D
So what really speaks against it?

I doubt they will cry "harder" XD

Just add them to Ranked already CA !!!

Updated 5 months ago.
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5 months ago
Feb 5, 2024, 3:16:17 PM

Yeah most the examples he mentioned still involve healing and are avoiding the actual issue. Fundamentally I don't think he wants mixed unit rosters so it seems more a design disagreement. Seeing how CA is balancing with multi-roster units, the cat is out of the bag and moving forward it makes sense to look at balance as a whole. No reason to go back.

Demons need to be buffed even for monogods. Very rarely are they taken in mass (Excluding nurgle) 

Assuming a reasonable buff to their banishment damage and some LD buffs for the lower tier demons, then they should find a good place in both Mono and DoC rosters.
If balance changes were done to the tune of the "Community Sourced Balance suggestions" then DoC should have no issue being added into quick battle given their mid power level compared to other rosters.

Hopefully whatever Demons are added in 4.2 and onward come with better base balance so we don't get a SoC situation where units are busted for months.

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5 months ago
Feb 5, 2024, 7:30:01 PM
bob_bob_bob#9068 wrote:

Yeah most the examples he mentioned still involve healing and are avoiding the actual issue. Fundamentally I don't think he wants mixed unit rosters so it seems more a design disagreement. Seeing how CA is balancing with multi-roster units, the cat is out of the bag and moving forward it makes sense to look at balance as a whole. No reason to go back.

Demons need to be buffed even for monogods. Very rarely are they taken in mass (Excluding nurgle) 

Assuming a reasonable buff to their banishment damage and some LD buffs for the lower tier demons, then they should find a good place in both Mono and DoC rosters.
If balance changes were done to the tune of the "Community Sourced Balance suggestions" then DoC should have no issue being added into quick battle given their mid power level compared to other rosters.

Hopefully whatever Demons are added in 4.2 and onward come with better base balance so we don't get a SoC situation where units are busted for months.

Lol , so plauge of rust , has better light cav, has better Ld items = healing sigh. cat is out of the bag doesn't mean the same idiotic decisions need to be repeated, what kind of copium do you drink thinking that CA has to only care for the community suggestions , it doesn't even capture all of the community , there will be others with different ideas.

second i get my english is pretty trash but do even understand what the difference on balance changes needed to make a bad daemon unit better in Mono vs DoC for example nurgle changes for Mono specific is simply upping their melee stats and fixing the daemonic crumbling.

DoC don't need the damage buffs staright up since they have better units for that role in daemonettes and bloodletters instead they need missile resist to tank better, which would make nurgle mono toxic since there would be no ligitimate way to deal with both missile resist daemons and armored mortal units. for most races. 

Look if CA has the balls. Ovaries and or spines they should remove every single marked unit form WoC to the extended roster so that woc would not be used to make any balance  changes for marked units , and severly limit shared units.  this would lead to better balanced game  which is far more important to proper MP.

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5 months ago
Feb 5, 2024, 7:31:04 PM
Player#848305 wrote:
saweendra#3399 wrote:
bob_bob_bob#9068 wrote:

Lol at that slippery slope.

Funnily enough giants are finally viable on all rosters but tend to excel where the OP element is: healing.

Yeah I am in the competitive scene and most good players agree DoC would be balanced in quick battle.
You should join MP tournaments and come see for yourself. 

look dude i am not saying doc is not balanced i am saying is when they are fully availble there is nothing preventing players from trying and asking for balance on them. to make them good you need far bigger decisions than to make them good in monos.

Well at least you are a step up from the [100% Wrong ofc] ppl that proclaimed them to be barred from Ranked because of them being supposedly "OP" while the opposite is in fact the case.

But for real now dude:
Your argument is basically, 'PPL will cry because they will be UP'.

Let me put it like this:
PPL are ALREADY crying :D
So what really speaks against it?

I doubt they will cry "harder" XD

Just add them to Ranked already CA !!!

yeap and i don't care about those people they can keep crying

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5 months ago
Feb 6, 2024, 8:42:56 AM
saweendra#3399 wrote:
Player#848305 wrote:
saweendra#3399 wrote:
bob_bob_bob#9068 wrote:

Lol at that slippery slope.

Funnily enough giants are finally viable on all rosters but tend to excel where the OP element is: healing.

Yeah I am in the competitive scene and most good players agree DoC would be balanced in quick battle.
You should join MP tournaments and come see for yourself. 

look dude i am not saying doc is not balanced i am saying is when they are fully availble there is nothing preventing players from trying and asking for balance on them. to make them good you need far bigger decisions than to make them good in monos.

Well at least you are a step up from the [100% Wrong ofc] ppl that proclaimed them to be barred from Ranked because of them being supposedly "OP" while the opposite is in fact the case.

But for real now dude:
Your argument is basically, 'PPL will cry because they will be UP'.

Let me put it like this:
PPL are ALREADY crying :D
So what really speaks against it?

I doubt they will cry "harder" XD

Just add them to Ranked already CA !!!

yeap and i don't care about those people they can keep crying

So even this guy actually agrees with our position.
Add Deamons of Chaos to Ranekd already!

NOTHING speaks against it.
It is a CORE-RACE :D

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