Hey everyone,

We’ve just launched a new area here on CA Community for Warhammer and Pharaoh bug reporting, making it easier for you to raise new bug reports, upvote existing reports, and to help ensure that our QA team have everything they need to investigate issues in Total War games, and help to work on possible fixes in future updates.

Here’s a quick guide on how to use it:

  1. Head to the “Bugs” area in the top navbar, or within the left navbar under the relevant forum (Warhammer/Pharaoh/Legacy). On mobile you may need to click the burger in the top left to view the full navigation menu.
  2. You’ll see a text box where you can enter a keyword or title related to your bug.
    1. If a report already exists, we’ll help to show it to you here, and you can click on it to both Upvote it and help it get more visibility with our teams, and also to add a reply if you think that you have some additional information that might have been missed in the original report and could help us to solve the problem faster.
    2. If no related issue has been raised by another player, you can click “Create” to report a new bug to us.
  3. Add a title to your report. Please try to include any relevant keywords that will help to make the bug easily identifiable by other players and our teams (e.g. type of issue, which race or faction, which map, any error text etc.)
  4. You’ll then be asked to select the category that your bug falls into (i.e. Campaign > Graphics/UI).  If you’re unsure, please select the one you feel is closest - our QA teams can easily move the bug to the right area if needed, so don’t sweat it if you think you might be sending it to the wrong place.
  5. Follow the steps to add the required information to your report, including platform, build number, description, as well as any reproduction steps that you think our team could use to help replicate the problem.
  6. You’ll then be asked to upload some files from your PC – you’ll see descriptions of what these are, why we need them and how to find them – as well as up to 10 screenshots that show the error within the game (which you can easily capture and save using F12 if playing on Steam).
  7. Finally, you’ll be shown a summary of your report so you can review and edit any sections should you need to. If not, just hit Submit!
  8. Your bug will not be visible to our teams and other players, who can upvote it and add comments with their own experiences if needs be. Any comments from CA Staff and the Total War team will appear in the Purple box to the top right of your bug report.


Note: Our QA teams will not be actively monitoring any other areas of the Warhammer or Pharaoh forums moving forward, so any reports posted elsewhere in the CA Community may not be seen.

Switching over to this structured, step-by-step reporting process allows our QA teams to better investigate, replicate and prioritise the bug fixes that get put forward for patches and hotfixes. It should also make the process much easier for you too – but do let us know how you get on with the new system. Big thanks to all of you for helping us take the right steps to improve the core Total War gaming experience! 

See you on the battlefield!

The Total War Team