[KNOWN] WoC Chaos Lord of Tzeentch has Khorne version of "Unbreakable" boon

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5 months ago
Mar 25, 2024, 8:10:21 PM

unmodded base game // in game since patch 4.2.


the "Unbreakable" chaos boon has different versions depending on the mark of the WoC character. Those always follow the same pattern: armour for undivided, MD for Khorne, physical resist for Slaanesh, regneration for Nurgle and additional barrier for Tzeentch.

But the Chaos Lord of Tzeentch has the variation with additional MD instead of additional barrier, like the Chaos Lord of Khorne.

Unbreakable boon for Chaos Lord of Tzeentch

Unbreakable boon for Chaos Lord of Khorne

Unbreakable boon for Sorcerer Lord of Tzeentch

Updated 5 months ago.
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5 months ago
Mar 26, 2024, 12:46:39 PM

Hey there @buggy_environment#6687 

Thanks for posting. I've raised this up to get looked into.

All the best,

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