[BY DESIGN] Chaos Lord of Tzeentch "Unflinching Soldiers" trait

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6 months ago
Mar 7, 2024, 9:08:46 AM

This trait says it boosts all "Chaos Warrior, Chaos Knights and Chosen" units, but Doom Riders are not boosted. It seems this should be included because they are mortal Chaos Warriors on discs (especially considering this is the mortal Chaos Lord). Chaos Chariots could be added as well (no one ever uses chariots, may as well give them some love).

Updated a month ago.
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6 months ago
Mar 8, 2024, 12:43:33 PM

Hi @twohundredandone#6356

Do you have a save.file so I can investigate.

Thank you

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6 months ago
Mar 8, 2024, 1:36:46 PM

HI @CA_Jupiter#7379 , this doesn't require a save.file to investigate , just an image.

To get this image, all you need to do is simply:

Step1:  Open the game

Step2:  Start a Kairos campaign

Step3:  Recruit a Chaos Lord of Tezeentch

Step4:  Open the character details and click on "Skills".

Step5:  Find "Unflinching Soldiers" and place the mouse pointer over it to show the details

You will see a image like this:

I may not agree with the addition of Chaos Chariots to the list.

But the absence of Doom Riders is obviously an omission, since Doom Riders are also Chaos Knights.

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6 months ago
Mar 8, 2024, 2:01:23 PM
twohundredandone#6356 wrote:
no one ever uses chariots

Quite the contrary, I really enjoy using the Chaos Chariot of Tzeentch. While other Tzeentch units are a bit overpriced (unlike the Chaos Warrior, Tzeentch can't get the upkeep reduction from Tzeentch Authority), Chaos Chariot of Tzeentch are relatively inexpensive to upkeep, and the Chariots are a great fit for Tzeentch Barrier mechanic. If done correctly, the Chariot can rely on the Barrier to do a lot of damage without actually losing any HP.

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6 months ago
Mar 8, 2024, 4:33:31 PM

Hi @yanghaohit#5017

Ahh I was a bit confused as thought it was a trait, that's perfect thank you, I shall get this logged and sent off now.

Updated 6 months ago.
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a month ago
Jul 24, 2024, 9:51:26 AM

Updating this post in case it gets used as a reference anywhere. This is by design & is not a bug. Doom Knights are not Chosen/Chaos Warriors, they are their own unit so shouldn't be affected by this skill.

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