[KNOWN] Generic trait "Perceptive" on heroes has no effect on magic item drop chance

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5 months ago
Mar 25, 2024, 9:47:51 PM

unmodded base game // legacy bug in the game since WH2


the +15% magic item drop chance from the generic "Perceptive" starting trait has no effect, as the effect targets only the character and the game only generates magic item drops for lords, but not for heroes. The hero version of the trait has to be changed to "accompanying lord" to have an effect on the magic item drop chance of the army.

How to reproduce:
-load the attached save

-sack the 3 settlements of the Cult of Excess directly in front of Kroq-Gar's army. Please note that the army includes 7 perceptive heroes (=+105% item drop chance).

What should happen if the effect would be active:

-a magic item drop for every sacked city

What does happen:

-no guaranteed drop for every sacked city



Example for a trait with effect (at least according to my tests in WH2)

Updated 5 months ago.
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5 months ago
Mar 26, 2024, 9:25:22 AM

Hey there @buggy_environment#6687 

Thanks for raising this, it's something we're looking into.

All the best!

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