Odd cavalry stats

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4 months ago
Feb 18, 2024, 6:23:17 PM

Some stats are weird, especially when comparing speed. I remember that speed of most cavalry units got increased in WH3, but some were left behind/or their stats leave something to be desired. Some examples:

Necropolis Knights - 66 speed (not changed since WH2)

Winged Lancers - 84 speed

Gryphon Legion - 75 speed

Necropolis Knights should in my opinion get a slight buff to health. It would make them more unique, as right now their low speed (their speed is WH1 level) makes them more vulnerable to missiles. Lower speed - enemy will fire more shots at them.

The fact that Gryphon Legion is - 9 slower than Winged Lancers doesn't make sense. Very similiar units, yet big difference. On a side note, they could use a buff too, since they are overshadowed by bear cavalry and not in the best place. 

Winged lancers and Gryphon Legion could get an ability that they can charge braced infantry and deal full damage (their lances are longer than spears). Both units should passively ''inspire'' others, buffing morale.

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4 months ago
Feb 20, 2024, 2:33:35 PM

Hey there @Sagez#6761 

Hope you're well, I've moved this thread over to the battles discussion area as the bug area is only for bugs.

All the best!


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4 months ago
Feb 20, 2024, 2:41:50 PM

Black Knights and Blood Knights are also slower than their countepart cav from other factions. They were powercrept hard with the buff to cavalry these last couple of patches.

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