chaos dwarves siege weapon inaccuracy

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8 months ago
Oct 29, 2023, 3:20:05 AM

I played a battle against high elves and I saw dreadquake mortar literally miss three times in a row trying to hit a elven bolt thrower crew.  Deathshrieker rocket launcher is not much better and will lose most of the time to a elven bolt thrower one and one even though it actually costs more its not much more effective than a britonian trebuchet.  Deathshriker rocket launcher and dreadquake mortars get rolled over by dwarven, empire, vamp coast canons no contest.  The thing is Chaos dwarves are not britonia they do not have a huge array of calvary to draw upon and rely heavily on siege weapons.  Actually chaos dwarves do not even have the variety of ranged infantry units that dwarves have either.

another note dragons are super pain in the ass for chaos dwarves because they do not have a gyro copter equivalency to deal with them.  Goblin archer wolf riders are insufficient they lack the accuracy and dps to get the job done and magma canon is not accurate enough and obviously infantry are not fast enough to catch up with the dragon.  an idea to fix is new iron daemon that is a gunner similar to gyro copter and is anti large.

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8 months ago
Oct 31, 2023, 3:13:12 PM

Hi there, on the siege weapon accuracy, we're looking at some work on homing at the moment. Your observations are valid, and it's something we've had raised to us before. Best, CA_Nova

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8 months ago
Oct 31, 2023, 7:50:39 PM
Player#48281 wrote:

I played a battle against high elves and I saw dreadquake mortar literally miss three times in a row trying to hit a elven bolt thrower crew.  Deathshrieker rocket launcher is not much better and will lose most of the time to a elven bolt thrower one and one even though it actually costs more its not much more effective than a britonian trebuchet.  Deathshriker rocket launcher and dreadquake mortars get rolled over by dwarven, empire, vamp coast canons no contest.  The thing is Chaos dwarves are not britonia they do not have a huge array of calvary to draw upon and rely heavily on siege weapons.  Actually chaos dwarves do not even have the variety of ranged infantry units that dwarves have either.

Has this been changed recently? I have seen multiple multiplayer battles showing homing and un-evadable deathshriek rocket attacks used against single-entities (especially dragons).

Player#48281 wrote:

another note dragons are super pain in the ass for chaos dwarves because they do not have a gyro copter equivalency to deal with them.  Goblin archer wolf riders are insufficient they lack the accuracy and dps to get the job done and magma canon is not accurate enough and obviously infantry are not fast enough to catch up with the dragon.  an idea to fix is new iron daemon that is a gunner similar to gyro copter and is anti large.

I cannot confirm this. Your blunderbusses and fireglaives easily shoot them down and for whatever (lore or powercreep?) reason the bale taurus is stronger/better* than all dragons except the slower and even easier to hit Stardragon.

*=list of some reasons:
-faster in the air and more importantly faster on the ground

-less janky animations

-smaller hitbox

-additional damage reflection and physical resist in melee

-better weapon strength, melee attack and charge bonus

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8 months ago
Nov 7, 2023, 7:14:39 PM
CA_Nova#4724 wrote:

Hi there, on the siege weapon accuracy, we're looking at some work on homing at the moment. Your observations are valid, and it's something we've had raised to us before. Best, CA_Nova

Why though?

Quite frankly this player has a skill issue.

Dwarfs got no cav so its entirely possible to out manvour them and either kill the crew with wolf rider archers or just needle a wolf rider through 

Or alternatively just blast through them using fireborn 

For elves bolt throwers are literally the only function is to be anti arty .

Why should any of the cd stuff beat them , there is no unit in cd roster that is specifically anti Arty but that said a proper positioned death srikers can easily deal with it.

As bolt throwers have much stricter line of fire issues.

Rater than catering to the lowest common denominator. 

Why don't you focus on real issues like the well documented extra attacks on iron deamons

Or the general issues with collion attacks and impact damge of multi entity and single entity chariots....etc.

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