improve cavalry pull out game

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4 days ago
Jul 2, 2024, 9:27:42 AM

Cavalry is really annoying to use, because one has to immediately retreat as soon as the first few cavalry entities engage with the infantry unit they are charging, unless one wants to lose up to a quarter of the cavalry unit in the ensuing engagement. Why don't all cavalry entities try and run, when I disengage them? Why are some entities continuing to fight? They will get surrounded and they will die. It's so frustrating to watch and frankly this is the reason I NEVER recruit cavalry. I'm pretty sure many other people have made similar disheartening experiences with cavalry and just ignore them now.

For context: I just fought the first few battles with Orion's army and one of my cav (starting) units lost half their entities to a peasant unit, despite disengaging within 5 seconds of charging in.

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2 days ago
Jul 4, 2024, 4:41:01 AM

Yes, cavalry definitely need to be more responsive. 

I'd love to see a return of dismount options too. Would make them far more useful in attacker siege battles. 

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