Frost Wolf Chariots - Throwing Axes plx Buff

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4 days ago
Jun 29, 2024, 5:11:18 PM

The last patch showed an interest from CA to shake things up and make many many changes to the game.  However, I didn't see any changes to the Ice Wolf Chariots.

No offense to the designers, but Ice Wolf Chariots throwing weapons feel bad.  Either, remove throwing axes from the chariots or make meaningful improvements.  I recommend improvements!

Please consider the following adjustments to make Ice Wolf Chariots throwing weapons something worth looking at instead of something disregarded due to lack of unit stat equality.

I am going to break this post into what they need and Ice Wolf Chariots deserve.  The first items will be necessary just to hit a very low bar of competent design.  The second items would make the chariots feel really good without busting any balance paradigms.


Ice Wolf Chariots need fire whilst moving attribute.  Having to stop to fire to fire a weapon that was move and shoot on the table top is poor design.

Ice Wolf Chariots throwing axes projectile velocity needs to be much much higher.  They currently throw the throwing axes like they are lobbing grenades.  (Muzzle Velocity at least 45)
Ice Wolf Chariots throwing axes projectile numbers need to be increase.  See how Tiranoc chariots fire 3 arrows per archer with two per chariot.  Ice wolf Chariots should be firing 3 projectiles a piece at a minimum.  Preferably use animations to increase number of shots fired similar to Tiranoc.

Ice Wolf Chariots throwing axes reload time should be equal to or less than Marauder Hunters (8 seconds).

To be honest, balance wise this would be a marginal improvement to such a small entity, low range missile unit.  By comparison Light War Sleds have 6 shots per sled, at range 130, doing about the same damage per projectile.

Provide 360 degree projectile arch for crew of Ice Wolf Chariots in battle_entities.

Provide Strider attribute (this is a key word for Ice Wolves)

Provide Shield Breaker on throwing axe projectile (this is a feature of Marauder Hunters with throwing axes) in projectiles table.
Increase Mass to 1500 in battle_entities

Balance Considerations:

Axe throw velocity is so slow, the chariot can nearly out run it's own projectiles.  It's so slow that it travels like a grenade.  It's not a splash weapon, and rarely hits anything due to the lobbing projectile arch it currently follows.

The Ice Wolf Chariot currently only has 1 axe thrower entity throwing one axe per model with a slow reload.  This is an important ratio to consider when comparing to Tiranoc or War Sled who both have 6 projectiles thrown and the Tiranoc has a faster than infantry reload time.

The Ice Wolf Chariot has a throwing range of 70.  This is one of the lowest ranges of any projectile in the game!  This is a reasonable and contextual expectation of throwing axe projectiles.  Projectile impact should be highly meaningful when it actually gets used, but often the unit will not be able to make the throw short of a direct charge.  In general, this unit's projectiles should be at least half as meaningful and impactful as a Light War Sled volley at half the range! I don't think that's even asking for a reasonably or fair margin, but at the current stats that would be a massive improvement over what we have to play with.

These guys aren't wearing chaos armor.  I wouldn't mind if the armor was reduced to 70 to fit the context of their garb.  Not a needed nerf, but worth considering with correct buffs.

This toy needs fixed!  Plex fix!  Tank you!

TLDR: Throwing axe on the Ice Wolf Chariots have inadequate damage, velocity, accuracy, and should be fire-able on the move based on TT as well as common sense.

Updated 4 days ago.
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