Thoughts on the new collision attack paradigm

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5 days ago
Jun 27, 2024, 8:02:03 PM
TLDR: I personally believe the collision attack update was good but there are a few things that could be taken farther. These include damage increases and collision attack adjustments for certain SE chariots and high tier multi-entity chariots (Lions, Cold Ones, Gorebeasts, Hellflayers, and Razorgors) to improve their performance, sticking with the existing system of X/X values for collision attacks aiming at killing 1 mid tier infantry per splash. I'd also encourage CA to continue looking at big monsters to enable collision attacks for such as the dragon siblings, the frost wyrm, Thorgrim, the Destroyer, the Elemental Bear, the Toad Dragon, etc. as they've been very effective in improving consistency without majorly impacting unit performance. The only unit I think they'd push into overperformance is the Jabberslythe and then mostly because it's MD is so high counter attacks are near impossible.

So I've been playing around with chariots both in games and testing for a couple of days and I have a few thoughts. The new system CA has settled on for collision attacks is actually pretty neat, though it's not directly in line with any of the suggestions provided. 
Basically it looks like CA took the X/X format with the target value being around 100 WS and used this not only for SE chariots but for all chariots, with the result being most ME chariots are at 1/1. This is actually a pretty elegant solution because it minimizes wasted damage from collision attacks and allows for impact damage to have a more significant contribution since after the collision attack max is reached every other collision applies impact damage.
Generally this works pretty well with the mid tier chariots like chaos chariots now dealing about 50% more damage on a frontal charge than similarly priced shock cav over 5 seconds, roughly 3k to 2k. This is a pretty great trade off making chariots rewarding for the risk of taking them. It also works well with SE chariots who are generally wasting far less of their damage and are rewarded for good positioning on long charges with extreme high damage output. Finally it makes new chariot design pretty easy since there's a clear formula in place that works for SE and ME chariots. Additionally as predicted by the mod tests, SE's which wide ranging animations that push around lots of entities like the Saurian and the Hellpit were improved significantly in terms of damage application and time to kill infantry targets. Overall I'd consider the rework hugely successful and I hope the team hears this. It's great work!

There are some areas that could still use further tweaking however. SE chariots with low damage outputs can still suffer from poor performance for the price. The Black Coach and the Exalted Seeker chariots are two big examples of chariots that while improved on the new system are still pretty bad for the price since their damage is way below average for SE chariots. I'd also consider the Bloodshrine and Bloddthrone for such an update, but those are also buff platforms so maybe the weaker performance is intended. To put this in perspective they AP values of many game 1 and 2 SE chariots are greater than the entire WS value of the these chariots,

Another unit class that I think is significantly underserved by the new system are elite multi-entity chariots such as Gorebeasts, Razorgors (who by the way appear to have had their model issues addressed), Lion Chariots, Cold One chariots, and arguably War Sleds though some folks might argue in favor of a nerf to these guys which is functionally what the update provided. The issue here is still primarily the damage difference between mid tier and high tier chariots is fairly small (smaller still when looking at AP mid tier chariots).

Here's an example of what I mean by small differences. Note I've been able to get better performance out of both chariot classes and Gorebeasts in particular when lucky can get significantly higher damage but generally speaking you see 300-400 damage differences against armored mid tier infantry and no significant differences into chaff which is demonstrated at the bottom of this post. I think for a 50% cost increase these gains are too inconsistent and too small to be worth the price.

Screenshot (3348).pngScreenshot (3346).png

This issue is exacerbated by the fact that the 1/1 targeting system functionally caps WS+CB+BvI (abbreviated as WS going forward) at the health of their target. 10,000 damage, 1,000 damage, and 100 damage are all exactly the same value when the target has 90 health (though obviously the first two could be nuts in sustained combat depending on the breakdown. As such creating a distinction in damage between the elite chariots and the mid tier chariots requires increasing the collision attack profile to make use of any additional WS they have.

This is easier said than done however given increases in the number of collision attacks reduce chariot damage somewhat by decreasing impact damage application. As such the increases in stats required to improve performance are pretty specific. You see a major damage boost when chariots can consistently kill two entities per collision attack but otherwise the gains remain fairly modest. I think this is because when entities die it allows impact damage to be applied to the next target resulting in a big jump in damage (~300 extra damage even when the stat difference amounts to just ~18ish WS). As such if you want to buff elite chariots to be meaningfully superior to mid tiers hitting this breakpoint is basically necessary.
I discovered this when testing the Gorebeast and Khorne Gorebeast chariots and got these results.
Screenshot (3320).pngScreenshot (3319).pngExact same stats and AP ratio, Frenzy adds only 18 WS, but somehow that results in an extra ~550 damage. The clue was the dead entities, 5 vs 1. On live you tend to see 0 or 4 dead entities per 1 second charge since chariots either have the damage to kill an entity consistently or they don't. Here with all the modifications I'd made the frenzy bonus was enough to push the Gorebeast from rarely killing an entity on the charge, to consistently killing an entity on the charge resulting in additional entities taking damage and massively improving performance. The specifics of the under the hood changes involved increasing the AP ratio to 80% (most elite chariots have pretty bad AP ratios, Razorgors for instance have a worse ratio than Tuskgors which is one of the reasons in terms of damage those units are so close despite the better stats. The magic number for chaos warriors at this AP ratio is 210, resulting in ~84 AP damage with the remaining 6 damage being provided by the base damage on average nailing the target of 90 WS perfectly.
There may be concern that this'll cause the unit to overperform against infantry with less health but luckily the collision attack system makes this impossible since excess damage is wasted. I think the 90 target into 100 armor is pretty ideal since it gives elite chariots the ability to crush a lot of mid tier infantry and a few elites, but leaves the super elite heavy units like Chosen outside of the effective counter group without support (and if a more elite Khorne Chariot is coming in the future a way to make it stand out would be to target it's damage so that it could kill 2 entities of Chosen and Black Orcs per charge). I've attached some tests on other infantry and we see damage remains pretty consistently around 1900 those we can see variable deaths based on the health values of various infantry.

Screenshot (3326).pngScreenshot (3327).pngScreenshot (3329).pngScreenshot (3331).png
Against Chaff damage is already capped out so the switch to this paradigm isn't a risk of breaking chariots into chaff since even the mid tier chariots absolutely mulch them, as they should. Below is a live of Gorebeasts and Chaos Chariots as well as the mod into Skinks.
Screenshot (3336).pngScreenshot (3342).pngScreenshot (3343).png
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5 days ago
Jun 28, 2024, 5:52:59 AM

While I do agree with your assessment of the current situation, I do think that there's a need for patience. These changes -- as you surely know -- are not just QoL changes. They are very likely going to upend what we know about certain units/match-ups, while transferring power from certain units over to the newly adjusted units. This is going to upset many in the community. It just is. 

I've said repeatedly that, the nerfs -- whether through design or retroactively --  are the wishes of the community, not CA. CA will make what they think is awesome and or what they think that we want. What has been proven (PROVEN) is that people will insist on nerfs that render strong units (i.e. units that they themselves struggle against) into irrelevance. This is most evident when their favorite race(s) don't have that specific type of unit in its roster. 

So, I am for a more cautious approach. Let the new units (which they essentially are post 5.1) go through the "outrage phase" and then after that, expand to the remaining units affected by lack of collision attacks (Cold One Riders), the lack of weapon strength (WS), and or excessive splash attacks (Stegadons). Let them yell at the moon for a time, but let the results stand on their own. From that data we will have a much more compelling argument for the proliferation of these changes throughout the game. 

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4 days ago
Jun 28, 2024, 4:28:35 PM

I wouldn't consider the above particularly pressing, now that the new system is in place it can be used as a balance tool I was mostly interested in exploring it's implications a bit. One thing I think I underestimated here was the fact that impact damage is pretty variable and in the right circumstances and with good luck elite chariots can hit similar damage numbers as my suggested changes. The floor is a bit lower and the ceiling is a bit higher but what I'm suggesting is adding a couple hundred more points of damage to elite chariots when hitting mid tier to elite infantry is not a crazy change relative to the overall rebalance of collision attacks.

I also think you're overestimating the push for nerfs, generally no one is looking for irrelevance it's just that MP players are often inaccurate in their assessment of the strength of a needed nerf. I do think the multiplayer community is a little jaded with buffs comparatively to nerfs because of stuff like the Tzeentch warshrine where a good buff is implemented poorly and causes issues due to a bug which makes playing against something unfun. Nerfs at worse removed something from the game which is far less egregious for players. This tends to result in big suggestions for nerfs and small suggestions for buffs when they happen (see Wild Riders who still need additional help, likely in the form a CB buff and a compensation nerf to the RoR). That said the response to the chariot buffs has been overall positive and pushback to further changes pretty limited. Totally fine letting it sit longer but this is a pretty good demonstration that cautious and calibrated buffs don't run the risk of breaking the game which is encouraging overall and helps align the MP and SP communities (and CA) who all agree on one thing; that units should be fun to use in whatever mode you're playing!

That said this is not something I think needs to be pushed into the next patch or a hotfix, CA's demonstrated they listen and weigh feedback to devise effective solutions (the chariot tweaks were informed by discussions on the forum but are a unit format as an example). CA has plenty of time to bring the game closer to balance and incremental progress is progress.

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3 days ago
Jun 30, 2024, 12:12:54 AM

Spellbound1875#4610 wrote:

I wouldn't consider the above particularly pressing, now that the new system is in place it can be used as a balance tool I was mostly interested in exploring it's implications a bit. One thing I think I underestimated here was the fact that impact damage is pretty variable and in the right circumstances and with good luck elite chariots can hit similar damage numbers as my suggested changes. The floor is a bit lower and the ceiling is a bit higher but what I'm suggesting is adding a couple hundred more points of damage to elite chariots when hitting mid tier to elite infantry is not a crazy change relative to the overall rebalance of collision attacks.

I also think you're overestimating the push for nerfs, generally no one is looking for irrelevance it's just that MP players are often inaccurate in their assessment of the strength of a needed nerf. I do think the multiplayer community is a little jaded with buffs comparatively to nerfs because of stuff like the Tzeentch warshrine where a good buff is implemented poorly and causes issues due to a bug which makes playing against something unfun. Nerfs at worse removed something from the game which is far less egregious for players. This tends to result in big suggestions for nerfs and small suggestions for buffs when they happen (see Wild Riders who still need additional help, likely in the form a CB buff and a compensation nerf to the RoR). That said the response to the chariot buffs has been overall positive and pushback to further changes pretty limited. Totally fine letting it sit longer but this is a pretty good demonstration that cautious and calibrated buffs don't run the risk of breaking the game which is encouraging overall and helps align the MP and SP communities (and CA) who all agree on one thing; that units should be fun to use in whatever mode you're playing!

That said this is not something I think needs to be pushed into the next patch or a hotfix, CA's demonstrated they listen and weigh feedback to devise effective solutions (the chariot tweaks were informed by discussions on the forum but are a unit format as an example). CA has plenty of time to bring the game closer to balance and incremental progress is progress.

Chariots are absolutely mulching infantry after 5.1 (I love to see it)! I had to do a double-take after I took a downhill charge from a Slaanesh chariot. I thought that I was getting focus-fired until I remembered that they didn't have any ranged units. 

I suspect that more things have gone on under the hood with regard to changes to units that weren't mentioned in the 5.1 update. I'll have to take a deep look at some other units and archetypes that may have gotten some stealth changes. 

I never bother to differentiate between the intention of proposed nerfs and the nerfs themselves. The ending point is all that matters. If the nerfs that are so vehemently desired result in a unit becoming irrelevant, it doesn't matter if it was requested out of ignorance or malice; the unit is no longer able to perform as it was designed. There are multiple things that go into unit functionality. Changes to a targeted stat can cause a unit to cease to do its job. If that job is the one thing that it does well, then that unit becomes niche at best, redundant if lucky, or a net loss often enough. 

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