Dear CA,

Why you need to do his mechanic in AI hands  a nuisance which, at least me, going to auto resolve everything i will be capable off.

1) Why his missile ability doesn't have any "targeting/ landing" indicator?

2) How is AI abble to target a hidden units with that?

There are things, like Black Arks abilities, CHORFS abilities and many more damaging abilities with more uses , which are capable of dealing more summ damage than this single rocket, but....From gameplay perspective it is at least avoidable, playable and not bothering nuisance. Your AI, with all respect, isn't capable of dealing serius damage by army itself, but is geared with hidden, infuriating mechanic to ensure to deal at least some damage and force a player to either lose a unit, or behave in every single battle against this faction like absolut retard.


Please add  targeting/ landing indicator so a battles against this faction at least remmind a strategy game.

Thanks in advance