I acknowledge that unit reaction speed has been greatly improved since the release of Warhammer 3, but there is still a lingering problem about warhammer series I always want to ask. The units in this game basically does lots of "improvising". When I ask them to move and attack certain unit A, they will start to engage unit B if they encounter unit B on the route to unit A. This might seem reasonable because in some cases, my unit  might suffer heavier losses if they forcibly bypass the unit B intercepting, but this actually means the unit automatically cancelled order player give it. I don't think in a strategic game , unit can disobey player's order. Player should be able to fully take control of the unit and if a unit suffer heavier losses due to forcibly bypassing enemy unit then that's the responsibility of player and the price the player have to pay. 

In current system, we still can forcibly bypass enemy unit by spamming mouse clicks to give repetitive orders. This is quite ridiculous for a real time strategic game because when I spend time on repetitive clicks, it reduce the possibility of micro other units. 

And in many other cases, unit automatic changing the attack target is actually a huge strategic disadvantage. It become the worst when player are controlling large units which usually have the mass to swiftly bypass enemy unit. An example, an Vortex Beast I send to attack a handgunner behind a braced halberdier, If I only click on handgunner once, the Vortex Beast will absolutely stopped at halberdier and start to engage the halberdier. The vortex beast has the mass and the capability to forcibly bypass the halberdier and, indeed, it will take damage when it charge through an anti large infantry, but in this case the handgunner is definitely more of a threat. To do that, I have to broke my right click and again this severely hinder me from commanding other units. I want the Vortex beast to eyes on handgunner and only handgunner with only one right click and Vortex beast will ignore anything along the way and try to squeeze through any enemy on the road even it found itself surrounded by two units of Demigryphs with halberd. Yes, the beast might be killed in this case, but that was my order. In this case, even it automatically change the attack target to demigryph, the things wouldn't change much.

Other things I really don't like is the dreaded "whole team dragged back by only 1 entity", again I feel like this is disobeying player's order. If some entities stuck with enemy then that's it, but the rest of the units who can squeeze through should start to execute player's order and ignore anyone left behind. 

I can image with less repetitive micro control, all those large single entities or chariots or cavalries will shine much more in multiplay mode. This simply because units actually follow player's order. 

Or this can be made into a setting which lets the player to choose if they want their unit to improvise themselves or not.