The Bonus vs Large and Bonus vs Infantry balance issue

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a month ago
Jun 1, 2024, 2:58:05 PM

So having +value points on both melee attack and melee damage isnt the cleanest way of giving specialization to a unit, safe to say the cleanest way is to give a bonus percentage to the affected stats (even melee defense could be involved) so situations like a unit that has 30 m.atk and 50 m.dmg and +10 bonus vs Infantry wont have the m.atk highly boosted and the m.dmg less so, there are also units with splash attacks that get way stronger from +value points bonuses and charge bonuses

Updated a month ago.
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11 days ago
Jun 22, 2024, 2:13:25 PM

I don't see how it's a balance issue.  Why should M.Atk and M.Dmg be boosted by the same proportion?  So what if the bonus boosts M.Atk more, for a unit with high intrinsic M.Dmg?  It already has high intrinsic M.Dmg, it needs better chance to hit, not more M.Dmg!

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