Who is it that actually thinks giving LL a multiuse army delete button is a good idea? Tarmurkan gets 3 missile attacks a battle strong enough to delete multiple units.... like why? He has 3 toad dragons, soul grinders, rot knights, his army is strong enough to deal with anything. So why give him an attack comparable to a skaven nuke that has no cost and 3 uses a battle? that is so strong he does not need an army just use those at the right time and you win. Now I get that its somewhat amusing to use, but now there is no scenario where you would actually fight Tarmurkan manually as he will bog down your units in melee and then just nuke them, guaranteeing use lose multiple units in the battle even if you win. its just obnoxious and incentivizes auto resolve(which ruins the game) and if he decides to blow up something that takes multiple turns to recruit now I get to waste 3 turns rerecruiting them because he gets a delete button. Please stop putting this garbage in the game and just give people strong armies, not delete units buttons. And if you do give them delete unit buttons, do it like the skaven nukes so they have to pay to use them, not 3 use ability you get every battle no matter what.

now there are some try hards who will inevitably be like " oh just dodge it newb, get gudd" like okay lets examine that claim, again he gets 3 per battle with unlimited range, you are only going to dodge it if you spend the entire battle ignoring what the enemy is doing and watching eagle eyed at your own formations(and if its a snow map good luck seeing the indicator). Now  doing that is tactically stupid, and its boring, and it probably won't work anyway and you know all that so bother coming at me with that nonsense.