After we get Knight of black rose, Most knight unit are worthless now. they need some buff

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2 months ago
May 8, 2024, 4:56:16 AM

Empire knights, fine at they are.

Knight of Blazing sun, poor man no body care about.

- Glorious charge . just give it even they got people are not going to use them anyway.

- 90 speed , they will be charge boi

Reikguard, still better place than KOBS but // shrug

- passive Guardian ,  Reikguard are like personal body guard so yeah it make sense.

+ 100 hp

they will be all rounded Knight

Demigryph knight Halberd, too fragile

+ 100 hp

Demigryph knight, absolutely nobody care about, this guys are just poor man DGK/H

+ 300 hp

+ Devastating charge or + 1000 mass

while Knight of black rose are Empire anvil Demigryph knight will be hammer if DGK don't get these buff no one will ever use them even in multiplayer.

Updated 2 months ago.
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2 months ago
May 10, 2024, 4:18:58 AM

Buff this , buff that.

How about we nerf knight of black rose instead? I am sure the rest of the knights will become more useful then 

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2 months ago
May 10, 2024, 8:05:46 AM

Knight of Blazing sun and Reikguard needs buff

I will like to see magick attacks on Knights of blazing sun and slight MD buff. 
Reiksguard i think need some slight stats increase or little BVL ( about 5-8) cuz seeing them losing to ork kaw is so rediculously weird.
Demies maybe need some little Hp and melee stats buff.

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a month ago
May 20, 2024, 1:07:10 PM

Panzerbatallion#8363 wrote:

Knight of Blazing sun and Reikguard needs buff

I will like to see magick attacks on Knights of blazing sun and slight MD buff. 
Reiksguard i think need some slight stats increase or little BVL ( about 5-8) cuz seeing them losing to ork kaw is so rediculously weird.
Demies maybe need some little Hp and melee stats buff.

It's more that Orc cav is overtuned compared to other cav, I'd say. Orc Boar Boy Big Uns should absolutely not have 85 armor. 

Reikguard and Empire Knights have the same issue as Silver Helms/Dragon Princes in that they are both tiered generalist non-AP cav that will trade down into mobility contests with AP or AL cav/SEM. 

Demigryphs have definitely been powercreeped to oblivion.

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a month ago
May 24, 2024, 12:05:15 PM

Knight of Blazing Sun and standard Demigryph Knights could definitely use something. Black Rose can use a bit of a nerf, they might as well replace any line holders once you get them. The rest are fine. 

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a month ago
May 31, 2024, 9:08:47 AM

Add a cap to each knight, problem solved. Knights of the Rose can't replace every knights if you are limited to a couple of them.

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a month ago
May 31, 2024, 9:27:38 AM

Everything is either super OP and making the game into a curb stomp... or everything is UP and needs buffing...

Unless there's a really egregious example, i think just leave it as it is. KotBS have fire damage. against Vlad and other vampires and against Festus and other nurgle units, that's pretty handy

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a month ago
May 31, 2024, 12:45:33 PM

talonn#7575 wrote:

Buff this , buff that.

How about we nerf knight of black rose instead? I am sure the rest of the knights will become more useful then 

Totally agree, a much better idea would be to nerf Black Knights (significantly) to a normal stat.

It's been over a month now, and these overpowered units have fulfilled their historic mission of enticing power fantasy players to buy this DLC. It's time to bring these overpowered units back to where they should be , instead of continuing to call for the buffing of other units of the same type.

People need to realize that powercreep is like a drug and this hunger will never be quenched.

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17 days ago
Jun 16, 2024, 7:51:06 PM

Nah empire just finally get at least one cav that can fight other cav. Reiksguard and knights of the blazin sun is just bad. Cannot handle anything in their cathegory. Loosing to stupid orks kav, loosing to cold one cav loosing to kislev cav bearly beating knights of realm (950). Real cost of reiksguard is about to be 1050 and 1000 for knights of the blazing sun.
Reading things like KoBs fights vlad is funy.

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