Broken feature that should be updated: Officer dead flag

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5 months ago
Jan 25, 2024, 10:47:03 PM

The database invalid flag for 'officer dead' is broken and does nothing. It should be made to function properly. If not for vanilla purposes then for modding possibilities.

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4 months ago
Feb 20, 2024, 12:03:53 PM

Hi there, the officer dead flag is deprecated so we will be removing it. Thanks for flagging. Best, CA_Nova

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4 months ago
Feb 23, 2024, 2:08:02 PM
CA_Nova#4724 wrote:

Hi there, the officer dead flag is deprecated so we will be removing it. Thanks for flagging. Best, CA_Nova

Why are you removing it?? Should it not be fixed? For the sake of modding at least.

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