Why weren't High Elves included in the new homing projectiles changes?

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7 months ago
Nov 21, 2023, 5:20:21 PM

It's really bizarre to me that Ulrika of all characters received the improved homing attacks but Alith Anar (who really needed a buff) didn't. High Elf Archers are some of the best in the setting, almost on par if not on par with Wood Elves, why aren't they treated as such (especially when Ulrika is)? It's not like they were ever OP...

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7 months ago
Nov 22, 2023, 4:11:25 AM

wait homing attacks for range characters ? i honestly feel like the whole homing attack part of this patch seems retarted making most spells and attacks to be direct damage options, rather than some thing player can evade .

on the note of range characters what they need is missile strength boost for majority of them but alas its a discussion for another time 

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7 months ago
Nov 22, 2023, 7:02:38 AM

Be grateful that they didn't get it - currently its a nerf and a big one. Started a sisters campaign and boy do they suck at the moment. The sisters specifically (not the faction) as in they hardly do any ranged damage from what I have seen.

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7 months ago
Nov 22, 2023, 10:45:40 AM

Hi there, so I can speak to questions around Markus, High Elf Princess Heroes, Alith Anar etc - these characters/units don't have homing profiles. A lot of the early bow lords had homing profiles, that is true. The devs are discussing whether homing profiles are extended out to units like these. Best, CA_Nova

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7 months ago
Nov 22, 2023, 11:54:56 AM

please dont, unless its very mild and very well tested. the homing changes have messed up several units in a big way

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7 months ago
Nov 22, 2023, 12:09:45 PM

Seems like all homing missles act like a gunpowder.

Treat them as you would with gun units.

They now have a SERIOUS LoS issues.

They will shoot even though they can't see resulting in projectiles go into the ground or friendlies.

Sisters' multiple shot when aimed for infantry with many entities seems to target a specific entity so only 1 projectile actually deals damage and the rest are wasted.

(Because they are so accurate)

Also medusa's damage is inconsistent constantly knocking targets.

Updated 7 months ago.
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7 months ago
Nov 22, 2023, 12:33:35 PM
qkrtjgns1251#6775 wrote:

Seems like all homing missles act like a gunpowder.

Treat them as you would with gun units.

They now have a SERIOUS LoS issues.

They will shoot even though they can't see resulting in projectiles go into the ground or friendlies.

Sisters' multiple shot when aimed for infantry with many entities seems to target a specific entity so only 1 projectile actually deals damage and the rest are wasted.

(Because they are so accurate)

Also medusa's damage is inconsistent constantly knocking targets.

yep it hurts Orions javelins too, it hits a couple guys and curves away after where it used to penetrate the ranks a lot better before

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7 months ago
Dec 5, 2023, 12:11:45 PM
CA_Nova#4724 wrote:

Hi there, so I can speak to questions around Markus, High Elf Princess Heroes, Alith Anar etc - these characters/units don't have homing profiles. A lot of the early bow lords had homing profiles, that is true. The devs are discussing whether homing profiles are extended out to units like these. Best, CA_Nova

They shouldn't be extended.

Waystalkers and WE princes/princesses had a special rule that mean their shots would hit 100% of the times. Which is the reason why they were added homing projectiles.


There is no reason why homing projectiles should be the norm. 

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