Crash During Loading Screen Around 95%
5 days ago
Jun 28, 2024, 9:18:09 AM

My game occasionally freezes in the loading screen after battles around 95%. It never unfreezes I just have to wait a bit and close the game with the task manager. I've looked into the issue  and it seems like a few other people have had this problem in the past, but for me it didn't start happening until shortly after the Thrones of Decay update. From what I've read from other people with this issue it sounds like there is a big chunk of data that gets loaded around 95% and it causes older hardware to freak out. The issues doesn't happen after every battle it seems to be random but is always after battles when loading back into the campaign map when the loading bar hits 95%. It doesn't make the game unplayable, but its certainly frustrating to replay difficult battles.

My specs are NVIDA 1080 8GB, Intel i7-7700k 4.20GHz, Corsair Vengeance DDR4 3200MHz 32GB RAM, Asus Z170I Pro Gaming Motherboard. As I mentioned it only seems to happen to people with older hardware so I'm certain the issue is with my PC not being able to handle whatever is loaded at 95%. I've done some testing and noticed that my GPU seems to be the culprit. It will spike in activity and the temperature will rise from about 60c to 82c right before the game freezes.

Drivers and everything are all up to date. I've also tried verifying files, uninstalling the game plus deleting mods and appdata with no luck. I lowered my graphics all the way and used the Nvidia control panel to lock my FPS. I've also tried other solutions that have worked for other people with the same issue like making a TDRLevel file trying 0, 3, and 8. I reseated my RAM and tried lowering and raising the clocking speed, and applied new thermal paste to my CPU and GPU.

I'm pretty much out of ideas now so I'm hoping whatever is loaded at 95% can be split into more manageable chunks for my crap PC to handle. If anyone has any other solutions that I haven't tried I'd love to hear them because I love the game and can't afford to upgrade my PC right now. One last thing I'll mention is that I can still run other games fine and don't have issues at any other point while playing this game either. It only freezes when loading into the campaign map around 95%.


​Edit: Here's a steam discussion where a couple of other people who've had the same issue recently list their pc specs. There are some possible solutions for other people with the same issue. They didn't work for me, but maybe it will help someone else.

Step by step of the bug
Step 1
Get a computer with old hardware.
Step 2
Load into the campaign map either after fighting a battle or sometimes loading a save.
Step 3
Wait for loading bar to reach 95% and pray.
General information
Game version
Latest - 5.1.0 - 27624
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Copied to clipboard!
3 days ago
Jun 30, 2024, 11:46:20 AM
Latest - 5.1.0 - 27624

RTX 2060 6GB

AMD Ryzen 7



Did not happen prior to 5.1.0

Step by step of the bug
Step 1
Load new campaign (Immortal Empires)
Step 2
Get to first battle
Step 3
When loading battle, bar sticks at 95% and does not go further, have to kill task
Step 4
No crash dump is created
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