Hi all,

The Mortis Engine is supposed to have an on-death explosion called the Reliquary Overload. This was advertised as a unique feature of the Mortis Engine back when the Grim and the Gave DLC was released and is still mentioned on the steam store page of this DLC.

This explosion however is currently bugged: While the Mortis Engine plays the VFX of an explosion on death and models around it get knocked down, no damage is applied.

The reason for this is simple: The actual explosion that would have dealt the damage has never actually been tied to the unit. It can still be found in battle_vortexs_tables as wh_dlc04_unit_passive_the_reliquary_overload

Fixing this is fairly easy, as all the visual work is already done: A new unit ability that activates on unit death needs to be created and tied to the Mortis Engine, and then the aforementioned explosion in battle_vortexs_tables can be linked to the new ability. The composite scene entry for wh_dlc04_unit_passive_the_reliquary_overload should be switched to composite_scene/spells_and_abilities/empty.csc, since the currently listed viletide composite scene isn't needed, as the death animation of the Mortis Engine already covers both audio and visuals

Here's a video showcasing the marketing of the Reliquary Overload ability, the current state in vanilla and how a modded fix would look like:

It would be really great if this ability could be fixed, as it was directly translated from the TT rules and would be a very thematic addition to the Mortis Engine!