All Egyptian Generals use the same Light Chariot model except the main characters?

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4 months ago
Jan 22, 2024, 1:59:02 AM

I don't know if it's intentional or not, but all of Egyptian generals, when equipped with a chariot, have the same chariot model of light chariot, except when it's the main character using it, like Tausret who uses a better chariot.

I tried giving the chariot used as ancillary by Tausret to a general, but still it changes model to a light chariot.

Kind of not realistic when your general, an important person, is using a light, easily breakable, and cover-less chariot whilst the other lowly soldiers are using sturdier medium chariots.

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4 months ago
Jan 22, 2024, 9:46:17 AM

The maximum weight of general's chariots is determined by culture. The actual weight is determined by the armour class of the general unit.

Egyptians can only equip light armour on chariots, Canaanites up to medium and Hittites up to heavy.

I presume this was a balancing decision to represent Hittite mastery of the chariots compared to other cultures.

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4 months ago
Jan 22, 2024, 12:13:25 PM
Iskar_II#6720 wrote:

The maximum weight of general's chariots is determined by culture. The actual weight is determined by the armour class of the general unit.

Egyptians can only equip light armour on chariots, Canaanites up to medium and Hittites up to heavy.

I presume this was a balancing decision to represent Hittite mastery of the chariots compared to other cultures.

What I mean is, the Egyptian generals only use the armor-less, frame only chariots, while the other Egyptian units use the medium chariots, like the Seneny chariots, lower and upper egyptian archer chariots, the elite javeline chariots, and the Royal Chariot Companion. The General use the easily destroyable, cover-less chariots, whilst the lowly soldiers use the sturdier ones.

I'm not comparing the Egyptian generals to the other culture generals. I'm comparing them to their own egyptian units.

Updated 4 months ago.
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