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3 months ago
Jul 30, 2024, 7:21:13 AM

Pharoah Total War: A Painful Parting

I’ve been a fanatical fan and self-diagnosed CA sycophant for over 25 years, from way back when rumours began spreading over the neo-nascent internet of a Strategy game that was in development, a game called Shogun: Total War.

That title and the developer’s vision for the series, had a profound impact on me. What amazing opportunities some technology, creativity and ingenuity could bring to entertainment and education. The ability for one to experience an engaging, enjoyable historic setting and prosecute endless “what if” scenarios. It is effectively crack for history nerds!

Over the years I’ve been privileged to have offered research assistance for game development, improving the setting, faction and unit roster of RTW (from primary sources like Tacitus’ Hari, Suebi, etc to the material record held in various institutions) and likewise with MTW II (arguably one the best in series), developed here in Brisbane, Australia. I’ve been engaged in numerous modding projects, from RTW to NTW. For several years I was a CA forum Moderator and then Administrator. For almost half my life, Total War provided some my greatest / joyous moments in entertainment.

Which brings us to the extant issue.

In 2023, after many many years without a full historical title, CA announced Pharoah: Total War !!!

With the Bronze Age being one of my favourite periods of history, to say I was beside myself was a gross understatement. As soon as the game was available for purchase, I pre-ordered the full Dynasty Edition for $154.28 AU, wanting to support CA in the endeavour, as best I could. 


On release, yes I was disappointed with the limited scope, mechanics, style, etc (all covered already), but the ability to play a Bronze Age Strategy game like this, a Total War game, was still personally compelling. When CA responded to the community, offered a refund and then announced significant improvements to scope, I was delighted. I didn’t take the refund and kept the faith.

Even though there was bitter disappointment that CA chose to publish a minimalist binary game of Egypt v Hittites with a few token factions thrown in for good measure, I had faith that CA may provide additional content and improve the game in time. As such, I have strongly advocated for the inclusion of one particular faction in the late Bronze Age, a player on the world stage that would impact the period, expand from the Judean Hills across Canaan from around 1177 BCE and shape the region through the early Iron Age and beyond .. ISRAEL. ISRAEL is the faction that contended with several Pharaohs and regional powers to ultimately dominate Canaan from 1140 BCE. This is historical FACT, no matter how some would wish it otherwise (eg. see Dr Eric Cline’s recent book “After 1177 BCE”).

However, with the recent announcement of change, bigger map, additional factions, cultures, etc (a great move. kudos to CA), there has been no mention of improving the map around Canaan (distinct for its lack of Canaanite City States, large areas of impassable terrain, etc), no mention of the semi-nomadic factions of Edom, Moab and Ammon and no mention of historic ISRAEL. Instead, we have quasi-mythical or anachronistic factions / units that are 400+ years before their time. 

Whilst, I wanted to believe this to just be an oversight, it has become glaringly obvious to all, CA have deliberately omitted ISRAEL from the historic setting. They have deliberately made much of the area inhabited by the Hebrews impassable terrain, they have removed Shechem to the wrong side of the Jordan and made that river impassable except at its widest section (in the south), at the river’s mouth with the Dead Sea.

Here’s the Rub: It begs the question Why? 

I have repeatedly asked myself, why would CA do this? Especially in light of the many additional (often obscure but interesting) factions recently included. CA have never so overtly omitted an historic faction in the history of the series.

The reasons for doing so?:

  1.  Israel doesn’t exist in the period – They did
  2.  Israel isn’t significant enough for inclusion – They are
  3.  Israel isn’t unique enough to warrant inclusion – They were
  4.   Israel would ruin gameplay – They don’t; they add complexity / improve gameplay options
  5.   Israel is scientifically and religiously contentious – They're not; unless one is a racist, ignorant or both.
  6.  Israel will be added at a later date – They won’t, that’s it for Pharoah.
  7.  Israel is being excluded due to tacit racism - Hmm

In a world saturated with hyperbole, I nonetheless find myself being forced to consider an ugly reality, is the later true? Has the company I have loved, admired and supported for almost half by life, succumbed to racist bias? 

Is CA Anti-Semitic?

I’m unable to see any other viable conclusion. 

This issue is far bigger than the game. I’ve seriously struggled with this. Can I just enjoy the game and pretend this isn’t a thing? 

I can’t. Unfortunately, I’m not built like that. I believe the standard one walks by is the standard one accepts. My fiscal support to CA makes me complicit, albeit insignificantly. I know myself I’m complicit.. and that is personally untenable. 

As such I’ve had to refund the game and will not be purchasing any future CA product henceforth. This comes at a personal impost, it hurts .. it cuts deep; especially with a Bronze Age title, something I've advocated for for two decades now.



With a recent devasting family tragedy and personal life all but destroyed, TW was a pleasant little distraction; a means by which one can temporarily escape the visceral pain that remains a persistent feature of one’s existence. 

I’ve no doubt this post’s existence will be short lived. I’ve no doubt one’s presence / prior postings are well on a path of subsummation by the present, a mere drop in the sea of community interest. That, much like one’s existence, is part of the larger human condition. I’ve no doubt this will read like another self-indulgent diatribe, and in truth … the charge holds true I guess. I’ve no idea why I’m even bothering putting ‘pen to paper’ .. a final obituary to a life lost  .. perchance.

“No more of that. I pray you in your letters,

When you shall these unlucky deeds relate,

Speak of me as I am. Nothing extenuate,

Nor set down aught in malice. Then must you speak

Of one that loved not wisely, but too well”.

William Shakespeare, Othello, Act 5, Scene 2.


Fairwell friends, fairwell CA



Updated 3 months ago.
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