Medieval 2 Remaster and Kingdoms Content in Grand Campaign

No, game should be as close to original M2 as possible - please only allow us to lead Aztecs, Mongols, Timurids and Pope
Yes, please add units from Kingdoms to vanilla factions
Yes, please add units and factions which existed in 1080 (Norway, Wales, Irland, Lithuania, Novgorod)
Yes, please add units and all factions - even as emergent factions (Teutonic Order, Jerusalem, Antioch)
Yes, please add all content from Kingdoms and new additional playable factions (Aragon, Bohemia, Tunis, Georgia, Cuman Khanate, etc.)
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7 months ago
Oct 26, 2023, 9:58:35 AM

If we'll ever get a remaster of Medieval 2, would you like to see base game enhanced by content from Kingdoms expansion?

The biggest feature which I would like to see is possibility to play emergent factions in a same way as Romano-Britons, Slavs and Ostrogoths in remastered Rome TW. So finally, we could get playable Timurids and Mongols without need of modifying a campaign files.

Please share your thoughts!

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7 months ago
Oct 27, 2023, 6:47:59 AM

My biggest wish would be the return to fully moddable games, and without needing to have a computer degree. Like having the eye candy stuff from the newer game combined with the accessibility to file editing like M2TW.

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7 months ago
Oct 27, 2023, 6:43:53 PM

I don't have the Rome remaster, how does playing as the emergent factions work in that?

I've been a long time supported of DLC content adding to the overall grand campaign so would like to see elements brought to the grand campaign from it where applicable. The side campaigns often feel over priced for me as they become their own mini game rather than adding to the overall game like unit and culture packs tends to.

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7 months ago
Oct 27, 2023, 6:59:54 PM
Commisar#2307 wrote:

I don't have the Rome remaster, how does playing as the emergent factions work in that?

I've been a long time supported of DLC content adding to the overall grand campaign so would like to see elements brought to the grand campaign from it where applicable. The side campaigns often feel over priced for me as they become their own mini game rather than adding to the overall game like unit and culture packs tends to.

When you are starting campaign, game simulate conditions to spawn these factions. So a settlement owned by faction of Goths revolts as soon as possible (that's how Ostrogoths are spawning), while Slavs and Romano-Brittons appears when game force their spawn events to trigger in 1st or 2nd turn (sometimes later). 

This is really great feature with limitless potential (some mods for Rome Remastered use it also - for example, Chivalry TW Remastered allows you to play Crusaders in this way).

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7 months ago
Oct 27, 2023, 8:00:30 PM
Krwawy_Baron#9023 wrote:

When you are starting campaign, game simulate conditions to spawn these factions. So a settlement owned by faction of Goths revolts as soon as possible (that's how Ostrogoths are spawning), while Slavs and Romano-Brittons appears when game force their spawn events to trigger in 1st or 2nd turn (sometimes later). 

This is really great feature with limitless potential (some mods for Rome Remastered use it also - for example, Chivalry TW Remastered allows you to play Crusaders in this way).

Ah thanks, thought it might be something like that. Not sure I'm a fan of that. I don't mind emergent factions but feels a bit off them popping out of nowhere and out of context. Be rather strange for example that a crusader state pops out of nowhere before a crusade had been launched in a province with next to on Christians.

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7 months ago
Oct 27, 2023, 8:03:19 PM
Commisar#2307 wrote:

When you are starting campaign, game simulate conditions to spawn these factions. So a settlement owned by faction of Goths revolts as soon as possible (that's how Ostrogoths are spawning), while Slavs and Romano-Brittons appears when game force their spawn events to trigger in 1st or 2nd turn (sometimes later). 

This is really great feature with limitless potential (some mods for Rome Remastered use it also - for example, Chivalry TW Remastered allows you to play Crusaders in this way).

Ah thanks, thought it might be something like that. Not sure I'm a fan of that. I don't mind emergent factions but feels a bit off them popping out of nowhere and out of context. Be rather strange for example that a crusader state pops out of nowhere before a crusade had been launched in a province with next to on Christians.

Yeah, this thing should be polished a little - so Mongols led by player will not spawn at first turn, but somewhere between turn 100-120. Same for Teutonic Order or Timurids which really shouldn't spawn at year 1080

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7 months ago
Oct 28, 2023, 3:52:08 AM

I am not sure if things are getting mixed up - you normally cannot play as a faction that isn't present at game start, eg if it emerges some turns later. You can however play as a true horde faction at game start, see here.

The 'not normal' way is done by starting the game in hotseat mode - there you can take control of any faction that is not controlled by another player through console commands, manually or scripted - the latter has been used in some mods to facilitate the conversion\morphing of a faction by spawning an emergent faction based on predetermined conditions, taking control of the additional faction (start faction and emerging faction), merging assets of both factions into the new one and then relinquishing control of the former faction which by now is either non existent or became part of the rebel\slave faction.

All the above is based on M2TW, given that it's engine is based on RTW's I would assume the same applies to RTW (if available).

Updated 7 months ago.
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7 months ago
Oct 28, 2023, 11:05:27 AM
Krwawy_Baron#9023 wrote:

Yeah, this thing should be polished a little - so Mongols led by player will not spawn at first turn, but somewhere between turn 100-120. Same for Teutonic Order or Timurids which really shouldn't spawn at year 1080

So in effect different start dates? I do like it when it makes sense but it is a nightmare for development support.

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7 months ago
Oct 28, 2023, 12:12:36 PM
Commisar#2307 wrote:

Yeah, this thing should be polished a little - so Mongols led by player will not spawn at first turn, but somewhere between turn 100-120. Same for Teutonic Order or Timurids which really shouldn't spawn at year 1080

So in effect different start dates? I do like it when it makes sense but it is a nightmare for development support.

But you know, playing as Teutonic Order makes no sense at year 1080, as Order was found in a middle of crusades era. Timurids really shouldn't exist before birth of Tamerlane in XIVth century. But as you noticed, this may be a challenge from a developer perspective. Still, I think that Feral did a great work allowing us to play as emergent factions and I hope that they will not abandon this feature in remaster of Medieval 2 if it will be ever made.

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