How I would like a TW 40k/trilogy to handle conquering Planets. EPC

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a month ago
Apr 6, 2024, 10:06:09 AM

Hallo fellow TW fans.

Given that we have a constant rumor mill talking about a 40k TW, the desire of many to have one (me included) and the overall plausibility (CA works with GW, the opportunities for DLC are endless ect), I would like to talk about how I think Planets should be handles in the game.

There are different base approaches to this.

1 One Planet approach:

Like the DoW games, especially the dark crusade campaign, you have one Planet, which all races would fight about.

While this is the easiest way to do it, no need for space battles or anything, it is also the worse way to do it. The plot devices for all races to be on the same planet, would get more and more ridiculous and it would hinder DLC's, which would be otherwise the strong point of a 40k TW.

2. SW:EaW approach:

I think many people who know EaW and want a TW 40k have kinda this as Blueprint in mind.

Now for those who don't know, in EaW you would have 2 Battles for a Planet. One Space battle, in order to clear the space and one land battle to then conquer the planet.

Now in basic format, I'm fine with this. It is better then 1 Planet only and would give us the whole of 40k universe (potentially) with the endless room of space limiting the DLC. And Space battles of course.

I think however, that we can do one better.

3 Extended Planet conquest. EPC

You see the one thing I would dislike about the EaW approach is, that famous fortress worlds would either fall in 1 battle or don't. For the many legendary worlds of 40k, I find this insulting.

Imaging Terra begin conquered in one battle.

Hence for, why I present to you EPC:

instead of conquering a Planet in 1 go, you would have multiple sectors you would need to conquer. Allowing to more extensive campaign and potentially open up new dilemmas for you and your enemies. Committing an extra Army to Planet X? or try to conquer the next one already? If I mange to hold this Hive city, then my enemy can't move his forces or his fleet away from it.

It also would open up a new Battle type/Strategy decision: Planet fall.

landings are difficult operation, hence historical speaking one would do unopposed landings when possible. Now in a TW 40K they could give you an interesting Dilemma:

Imaging that you play Guard and want to conquer Planet from lets say the orcs. You have 2 different armies in Orbit after you won the space battle.

One consist of you heavy hitters, your tanks and arty and even a BANEBLADE. The other one has more lighter troops, including special elysian drop troops, Valkyries and so on.

The Plante has 4 Sectors. One is the main capital Hive City. Heavy Defenses, huge Space port. One is just a mining/farming region, one is smaller city with a medium port and medium defenses. The last is a big space port with solid defenses by default (additional armies not withstanding).

Now you would want your strongest tanks to make it to the planet, that is why you play guard after all. But most of your tanks can't actual land, unless you get a space port first. In fact for you Baneblades would would need one of the bigger ports in order to land them. Either the Hive City or the big space port. Problem is, if you use this army to attack those, you can only use the infantry of it (any maybe lighter vehicles) making it hard to impossible even with the navy supporting you.

You could also try take the smaller city with your lighter troops and then bring at least you medium tanks/arty in. Making you then strong enough to then conquer the big port in order to bring the BANEBLADES.  The Farm/mining region is useless to you. Sure its defenses are weak, but after you victory you could bring in no further troops in.

Now you look at your other army. This army is not suited to conquer the hive city. It lacks the heavy punch you would want there. Even without making it a landing attack.

But because its Units are so light and mobile you can bring all of them to bear while landing. You can attack the big space port, so the other army can land and use its BANEBLADES.

You attack the medium port so the other army, while still lacking BANEBLADES would and with intact infantry and its other tanks.

You you could even let the other army attack the medium port while you attack the farm/mining region with the light army so you can have 2 armies conquering 2 regions at once.

What ever you end up doing, I think it would be more interesting then "1 Battle = 1 conquered Planet"

I would even go as far and give all Planet 2 Space Region so that winning one space battle, doesn't necessary eliminate the threat of an enemy fleet. Think one Fleet being on one side of the Planet, while the other one is on the other side, perhaps licking its wounds or waiting for reinforcements.

This would also be an area where the different races could make their differences make really shine or where tech and research play a big role. 

Space Mariens should be great to make Planetfall attacks, because a lot of the arsenal is base on that or maybe can get the upgrade that it can (land raiders with deep strike).

Other may struggle more or have certain troops to do it (like the guard in the example). or maybe they have an mechanic which allows them to by bass it , like Webways for Eldar (Planet dependent).

It would be a new area where the races can show they differences in playstyle and where new decisions are to be made.

 And decisions is what makes strategy games, strategy games.

And with that I end my TED talk about EPC. I'm open for all question about it.

Updated a month ago.
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a month ago
Apr 6, 2024, 2:41:40 PM

My idea of how I'd like it to be is very simple.

Just take the warhammer 3 map, replace the map with a galaxy map and replace the settlements with planets.

And preferably no space navy, as space navies are basically never brought up in 40k, all the focus is on the land armies, and for good reason. 

So armies can move around freely around the galaxy, and when they fight one another, they fight on a planet map, same as island battles.

With regions and provinces so that managing the empire can be done easily and swiftly, as they bundle like 4 settlements in one UI.

Updated a month ago.
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a month ago
Apr 6, 2024, 4:30:51 PM
torak8988#3885 wrote:

My idea of how I'd like it to be is very simple.

Just take the warhammer 3 map, replace the map with a galaxy map and replace the settlements with planets.

And preferably no space navy, as space navies are basically never brought up in 40k, all the focus is on the land armies, and for good reason. 

So armies can move around freely around the galaxy, and when they fight one another, they fight on a planet map, same as island battles.

With regions and provinces so that managing the empire can be done easily and swiftly, as they bundle like 4 settlements in one UI.

No offence, but Space navies are brought up a lot. They have they own game system. A game system which also got 2 PC games in recent years.

I see no advantage of your suggestion, except it requires no additional work on CA part.

In terms of Immersion it is nonsense and it robs a lot of potential great Gameplay opportunities. 

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a month ago
Apr 6, 2024, 4:42:28 PM
torak8988#3885 wrote:

My idea of how I'd like it to be is very simple.

Just take the warhammer 3 map, replace the map with a galaxy map and replace the settlements with planets.

And preferably no space navy, as space navies are basically never brought up in 40k, all the focus is on the land armies, and for good reason. 

So armies can move around freely around the galaxy, and when they fight one another, they fight on a planet map, same as island battles.

With regions and provinces so that managing the empire can be done easily and swiftly, as they bundle like 4 settlements in one UI.

Space warhammer with no space fleet battles!? That would be a tragedy. That would probably be its selling point since no other total wars' have done it before.

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a month ago
Apr 6, 2024, 4:45:28 PM
torak8988#3885 wrote:

My idea of how I'd like it to be is very simple.

Just take the warhammer 3 map, replace the map with a galaxy map and replace the settlements with planets.

And preferably no space navy, as space navies are basically never brought up in 40k, all the focus is on the land armies, and for good reason. 

So armies can move around freely around the galaxy, and when they fight one another, they fight on a planet map, same as island battles.

With regions and provinces so that managing the empire can be done easily and swiftly, as they bundle like 4 settlements in one UI.

Battlefleet Gothic: Armada 2 and there is a TT game based on ship battles.

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a month ago
Apr 7, 2024, 2:41:51 PM

People seem to forget that warhammer 40k is a boardgame played on the planets surface, if space navies becomes a thing, there will be less opportunities for land battles.

And I play tabletop warhammer 40k for the cool signature land units. There is a good reason why games workshop doesn't sell warhammer 40k space navies on their site.

And precisely because it requires CA less work to realise means they have more time to make content for all of our favourite factions. 

And I don't want to be harsh, but Gothic armada wasn't exactly an interesting game, it felt very simple and very arcade like, the same problem haunts total war naval battles.

They could do it sure, but that'll require a ton of testing in the hope of making naval battles fun, complex and enjoyable.

And if they want to make naval battles, they could better make it a chessboard turnbased game, as that's the only battle type total war hasn't explored yet that would allow naval battles to have more complexity and uniqueness. Think of Advance wars or Xcom, with ships having a certain amount of hexes as striking range, movement hexes and abilities they can cast during their turn.

Unless they play us all for fools and they put warhammer 40k on a single planet, only add "space marines" as a single faction, give them a variety of custom paint job options to simulate other chapters, and then call it a day.

That would severely sadden my day. No galaxy, no unique chapter mechanics, just a rushed one-game, no sequel style game.

Updated a month ago.
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a month ago
Apr 7, 2024, 3:02:12 PM
torak8988#3885 wrote:

People seem to forget that warhammer 40k is a boardgame played on the planets surface, if space navies becomes a thing, there will be less opportunities for land battles.

And I play tabletop warhammer 40k for the cool signature land units. There is a good reason why games workshop doesn't sell warhammer 40k space navies on their site.

And precisely because it requires CA less work to realise means they have more time to make content for all of our favourite factions. 

And I don't want to be harsh, but Gothic armada wasn't exactly an interesting game, it felt very simple and very arcade like, the same problem haunts total war naval battles.

They could do it sure, but that'll require a ton of testing in the hope of making naval battles fun, complex and enjoyable.

And if they want to make naval battles, they could better make it a chessboard turnbased game, as that's the only battle type total war hasn't explored yet that would allow naval battles to have more complexity and uniqueness. Think of Advance wars or Xcom, with ships having a certain amount of hexes as striking range, movement hexes and abilities they can cast during their turn.

Unless they play us all for fools and they put warhammer 40k on a single planet, only add "space marines" as a single faction, give them a variety of custom paint job options to simulate other chapters, and then call it a day.

That would severely sadden my day. No galaxy, no unique chapter mechanics, just a rushed one-game, no sequel style game.

I think you’re forgetting that not everyone is you and there is a fleet element to the TT game and it’s also a massive part of the lore. If you don’t like fleet battles then you auto resolve.

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a month ago
Apr 7, 2024, 6:41:18 PM
torak8988#3885 wrote:

People seem to forget that warhammer 40k is a boardgame played on the planets surface, if space navies becomes a thing, there will be less opportunities for land battles.

And I play tabletop warhammer 40k for the cool signature land units. There is a good reason why games workshop doesn't sell warhammer 40k space navies on their site.

And precisely because it requires CA less work to realise means they have more time to make content for all of our favourite factions. 

Are you sure you play the TT? Because you often seem to do you research by Browsing the GW shop, instead of referencing the codex in question. And seem to have overall limited knowledge about 40k, if the GW Shop doesn't reference it.

And sure, in theory not making navies can increase budget for land units. But it also could mean that the lack of appeal, because "space land battles" look pretty silly for many (perhaps), the game sells less and hence less money is viable to make DLC.

 It also robs the different races an area for diverse gameplay.

A reason for the Plantefall battles I suppose, is that it give an aspect where the different races can show off how different they are.

And I don't want to be harsh, but Gothic armada wasn't exactly an interesting game, it felt very simple and very arcade like, the same problem haunts total war naval battles.

They could do it sure, but that'll require a ton of testing in the hope of making naval battles fun, complex and enjoyable.

And if they want to make naval battles, they could better make it a chessboard turnbased game, as that's the only battle type total war hasn't explored yet that would allow naval battles to have more complexity and uniqueness. Think of Advance wars or Xcom, with ships having a certain amount of hexes as striking range, movement hexes and abilities they can cast during their turn.

So you played Gothic armada but say that Space battles weren't references in 40K? I mean you know that marines traditionally reference to the infantry station on ships for boarding other ships right? What do you think Space Marines do?

And for a real time tactic game, I found it fairly complex. Moral, Boarding, armor, hull, shields, environment. Different mission types. Its space battles are arguable more complex then TW battles. Not sure why you need to make it turn base.

Unless they play us all for fools and they put warhammer 40k on a single planet, only add "space marines" as a single faction, give them a variety of custom paint job options to simulate other chapters, and then call it a day.

That would severely sadden my day. No galaxy, no unique chapter mechanics, just a rushed one-game, no sequel style game.

Yeah that would be the worst option. On that we agree.

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a month ago
Apr 8, 2024, 12:40:19 AM

I understand where you guys are coming from. You want space battles, yes, I can understand that.

But from my point of view as a long-time total war fan, CA has an incredibly bad track record when it comes to naval battles.

And the last thing I want, is the next game to have another Empire total war disaster, where they spend so much resources on developing naval battles that the rest of the game falls flat on its face.

If total war does space battles well, that’s great and good. But considering space navies control the first line of defense, land armies, the thing 40k is known for will become a secondary priority. I hope you guys understand how that works. If I stick all my funds in the greatest space navy there is, it never matters how many cool land units I can deploy, I only need a sufficient amount to take poorly defended settlements.

By introducing a space navy, you open the possibility of making land armies obsolete, as everyone will divert everything into making the best space navy. Building one army of marine raiders to take small cities until the enemy is so economically weakened that they can’t field large armies or navies anymore.

But I think looking at games workshops history with their IP’s I fear the worst. Like you guys highlight, making an galaxy game does raise questions about space navies, and total war has a ton of experience with standard world maps, where they can add complex terrain features. 

I thus think that the upcoming total war 40k hinted as called “project Juno”, with hinted factions “Space marines, Chaos and Greenskins” and a “total war world war one” title right after will be a single planet setting with generic 40k races that you have the option of giving a thematic paintjob. 

Updated a month ago.
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a month ago
Apr 13, 2024, 9:12:50 AM
torak8988#3885 wrote:

I understand where you guys are coming from. You want space battles, yes, I can understand that.

But from my point of view as a long-time total war fan, CA has an incredibly bad track record when it comes to naval battles.

And the last thing I want, is the next game to have another Empire total war disaster, where they spend so much resources on developing naval battles that the rest of the game falls flat on its face.

If total war does space battles well, that’s great and good. But considering space navies control the first line of defense, land armies, the thing 40k is known for will become a secondary priority. I hope you guys understand how that works. If I stick all my funds in the greatest space navy there is, it never matters how many cool land units I can deploy, I only need a sufficient amount to take poorly defended settlements.

By introducing a space navy, you open the possibility of making land armies obsolete, as everyone will divert everything into making the best space navy. Building one army of marine raiders to take small cities until the enemy is so economically weakened that they can’t field large armies or navies anymore.

But I think looking at games workshops history with their IP’s I fear the worst. Like you guys highlight, making an galaxy game does raise questions about space navies, and total war has a ton of experience with standard world maps, where they can add complex terrain features. 

I thus think that the upcoming total war 40k hinted as called “project Juno”, with hinted factions “Space marines, Chaos and Greenskins” and a “total war world war one” title right after will be a single planet setting with generic 40k races that you have the option of giving a thematic paintjob. 

I’ve been here since Shogun 1 and I’m fully aware of the history of the series. However, the fact remains that space battles are different to ship battles and games like Battle Gothic Armada, show this type of game can exist. There may also be room for an existing game type in 40K called Boarding Patrol.

We all have different tastes and takes but personally, I wouldn’t write off space battles just yet.

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a month ago
Apr 14, 2024, 11:11:34 AM

I here since M1. personally I think that naval battles were better then people give them credit for.

Depends of course on the title. Empires Naval battles are probably better then Rome 2 and Shogun 2 battles (I have a soft spot for FotS).

But overall they defiantly could work.

And as for 40k: Battleflett Gothic Armada 1&2 prove they can work.

And if we want to conquer the 40k Universe, not just one Planet, we need to get there.

Maybe I should do a separate Thread on the topic.

This Thread is suppose about the idea that:

 Planet don't have just 1 Battle where you conquer or don't conquer them

That "Planetfall" is its own type of Battle.

That the units viable depends on your ability to land them, hence Technology, Skills ect, can depend what you can land.

That conquering space ports in order to bring Invasion forces in should be a feature.

Any thoughs about that?

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a month ago
Apr 14, 2024, 1:44:36 PM

I think there could be a number of key sites based on the use and size of the planet. The space port city would of course be the first site followed by whatever the planet has.

I imagine there’s been a lot of thought out into this one, how smoothly you go from planet fall into land battles could decide how fun the game is up to a point.

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a month ago
Apr 15, 2024, 3:06:51 PM

Well the proposal kinda assume that you would have to do it at least once per planet (unless you race as alternatives to it, Webgates, Clutist or whatever) and after that you can land additional armies either by additional planetfall or by Landing them in already conquered zones.

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a month ago
Apr 17, 2024, 11:39:48 PM

I think everyone is ignoring the balance issue

If I spend all my money on the biggest navy possible, it doesn't matter anymore if I have a land army, I only need one to "island hop" all the weak undefended settlements and lock the enemy within their own settlements.

Meaning warhammer 40k, the game that revolves mainly around land battles and epic land units, becomes useless if I have a better space navy.

Therefore, either CA is likely going to go for a plannet map, but that automatically also means there won't be any unique and cool chapters, because all factions in the 40k galaxy don't all visit one planet.

Or its going to "island battles" all the way, which as you know, I'm totally fine with, and more a supporter of, as I love 40k for the land units and vast galaxy.

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