These are two lingering issues that I am finding quite annoying:

First off, every turn factions can get items spawned, and in the south is where the armories tend to be. It is particularly annoying that as the player you can often never find certain unique armors for your generic generals because they spawn for either nanman or yellow turban factions whom you can't negotiate to trade items with. (For nanman you can only negotiate if they ai picks up the relevant reforms). This is pretty annoying as it virtually makes these items go into a vacuum and since they are unique, they will not spawn again. 

Secondly, ever since imperial authority was introduced Han factions don't tend to fight with each other unless they are enemies of the Han. I.e. factions will attack Yuan Shu, but almost never will you see AI Cao Cao fight with Liu Bei or Sun Ce without the players interference. Overall, I think imperial authority is not a good mechanic pretty bear bones and makes AI factions not fight with eachother.

Side rant: Obviously CA execs could give a flying flip of any bugs which is why they release things rushed with simple issues as they think people will play stuff regardless of the issues.... and then they abandon 3k to move on to other projects leaving unresolved bugs... Funny how treating your titles well in the past could have helped mitigate some of the recent messes and loss of customers good will.

Oh well, wondering if anyone in the community knows of any mods that may address the two above issues.
