Possible WH40KTW testing call

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4 days ago
Oct 18, 2024, 4:53:47 PM

Years I've been waiting for a 40k Total War. The fact that they heavily focus on Warhammer related questions gives me hope. Wish I could sign up and test it online somehow just so I can put my mind at ease once and for all.

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2 days ago
Oct 20, 2024, 5:41:23 PM

I hope it releases sooner than 2026 or something, I hope they try to build it as fast as possible, wh3tw isn't all that interesting anymore imo.

but I also want quality, but to clarify, I would be fine if it were two or three games just like the fantasy total war

I just pray they don't have any horde or horde-like factions, because they are miserable to play

And since its a gun game, they should make the maps flat, otherwise its going to be a nightmare to get firing angles

Maybe they could explore adding transport vehicle mechanics to the game, but I'm not sure if that would work well, maybe summoning a unit instead might be easier to program. Or not feature transporting units entirely

In my headcannon I forsee the game as a 3 game series, set in the 40k galaxy where land armies fly around in space and fight battles on the planets, as a sort of island battles. Where sieges are limited to major settlements. And sieges are very simple plaza and highway maps. With each faction having a unique economic and battlefield design.

I would also like some custom map design features, just so we can create custom scenario's for more replayability. Because I really liked wh3, but the fact that its always the same map really makes it less enjoyable. And if I could make some kind of wild map, with different factions with their own personalities that would be a ton of fun. Creating a sort of world of my own.

I would be curious to see them explore something like naval battles, maybe as a turn based chess-style game, simply to make it different from the real time battles, but I don't think it will be very interesting, and players come for the tabletop, not the spaceships.

And keep in mind people have sometimes complained wh3tw was too complicated, so adding totally new revolutionary features to total war might take a lot of time, and ultimately be self-defeating. 40k has enough content anyway, so making just the tabletop in a 40k universe setting is more than enough if they plan to feature every faction.

Updated 2 days ago.
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2 days ago
Oct 21, 2024, 2:00:57 AM

torak8988#3885 wrote:
I just pray they don't have any horde or horde-like factions, because they are miserable to play

If TWW40k comes with proper galactic map then there will be plenty of horde factions. The good news is that no one will force you to play them.

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2 days ago
Oct 21, 2024, 8:40:06 AM

There will be no galactic map. The gameplay will hew closer to Dawn of War Dark Crusade or Gladius, one planet with several different races fighting over it. They cut out all naval combat to save money, they'll not bother with space combat. There's also no way they'll make dozens of different theater maps to represent even a tiny fraction of the important planets in 40k. That's not going to happen.

At most you might get the Soulstorm deal, so several planets in the same system, travelling by means other than ships.

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a day ago
Oct 21, 2024, 2:17:24 PM

TainBoCuailinge#8335 wrote:

There will be no galactic map. The gameplay will hew closer to Dawn of War Dark Crusade or Gladius, one planet with several different races fighting over it. They cut out all naval combat to save money, they'll not bother with space combat. There's also no way they'll make dozens of different theater maps to represent even a tiny fraction of the important planets in 40k. That's not going to happen.

At most you might get the Soulstorm deal, so several planets in the same system, travelling by means other than ships.

Probably not, they will add most of the codexes over a trilogy at least, all these factions will not coexist on a single planet. It will more likely be a cluster of planets.

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a day ago
Oct 21, 2024, 3:39:16 PM

SerPus#7395 wrote:
Who told you that?

Common sense. As I explained right after the part you quoted.

You really think they're making unique theater campaign maps for Holy Terra, Mars, Ultramar, Medrengard, Baal, Armageddon etc.? That we'll get any space combat?  Yeah, not gonna' happen. They are already cutting corners here in WH3, TW 40k will be the one-planet/one-system experience.

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a day ago
Oct 21, 2024, 3:42:36 PM

TainBoCuailinge#8335 wrote:
You really think they're making unique theater campaign maps for Holy Terra, Mars, Ultramar, Medrengard, Baal, Armageddon etc.?

Who said anything about theaters?

TainBoCuailinge#8335 wrote:
That we'll get any space combat?

Nope. What does it have to do with the campaign map anyway?

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a day ago
Oct 21, 2024, 3:46:38 PM

SerPus#7395 wrote:
Who said anything about theaters? 

Buddy, how is the game supposed to work on a galactic scale otherwise? Would you reduce all planets to a single battlemap?

SerPus#7395 wrote:
Nope. What does it have to do with the campaign map anyway? 

Yeah, what would space combat have to do with a campaign map containing lots of interstellar travel?

Updated a day ago.
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a day ago
Oct 21, 2024, 3:54:11 PM

TainBoCuailinge#8335 wrote:
Would you reduce all planets to a single battlemap?

Multi-stage battles are easy to implement in that context.

TainBoCuailinge#8335 wrote:
Yeah, what would space combat have to do with a campaign map containing lots of interstellar travel?

Absolutely nothing.

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