Just a short list of "easy wins" that go a long way to adding immersion in the battles:
  1. In general, the units feel very static and robotic when standing there without any orders. There are some idle animations, but they are short and 99% of the units are staring forward which feels emotionless. Maybe if the animations played more often or for longer that would help. 
  2. I miss the "tired" animations that units would do when they were standing there completely exhausted or injured. This really added immersion for me and helped me visually identify when units were still fatigued. Rome 2 and Attila definitely had these and they looked great.
  3. I miss units having "officers". It was a neat addition in the older games, added realism and was fun when you noticed them fighting and being the badasses that they are.
  4. I miss the units shouting at the enemy like they do in WH3 and to a lesser extent, Rome 2 and Attila. Definitely adds immersion as the units feel like they are ready to fight. It would be cool to see differences between disciplined vs untrained in this aspect.

Thanks for listening!

Below are some images that showcase differences that I miss.

Image 1 vs 2 

  • Example of robotic looking vs a little more life-like.

Image 3

  • Example of tired/injured idle animations.

Image 4

  • Example of officers.

Image 5

  • Example of units shouting and adding emotion to battle.









Thanks again for your time!