Sabu Nagib Chase far too easily.

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2 months ago
May 5, 2024, 12:14:35 PM

Not sure if this is the proper place for this, but I feel like the Sabu Nagib warriors of Irsu break formation and run way, way too easily! Almost tempted to make this a bug report instead. Sabu Nagib warriors will literally start to chase the enemy from across the map at times. I feel like there must be a maximum range from which they can go berserk from, say 50-80 meters away. Their weakness should be used IMO to be able to make it so that they can be dragged out of formation by harassment, but as it stands they will literally go berserk from across the map if they have no enemies and just totally ruin any attempts at strategic play.

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7 days ago
Jun 24, 2024, 4:22:52 AM

100% agree with this and it's my experience as well. It just doesn't make sense from a logic standpoint, and it feels extremely silly. 

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