Weapons vs Armour

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a year ago
Oct 15, 2023, 6:44:53 PM

In this topic I want to conduct some excel analysis of Weapons and calculate + compare their final Damage Output vs Armoured units.

Very first picture is about the cheapest weapon versions vs Armour:

Since around 50 Armor it is the best to start using Clubs, until then you will do fine with any weapon.

Next we have Mid game:

Findings for midtier are:
- Spears and Swords are terrible in their dmg output
- Axe is always better than Khopes / Sword / Spear
- Bellow 65 Armour is better to use Axe, above to use Clubs

Then here is a graph of the best weapon version, a late game comparison:

- Clubs are absolutely dominating
- Spears are terrible against armoured chariots
- Axe is the best against low armoured units, second best against everything else

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