Dynasties - Minor Faction Starting Positions

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a month ago
Jul 25, 2024, 10:13:25 AM


Hey everyone,

As we gear up for Dynasties launch, here's a peek at the starting positions for the minor factions joining the fray!

Merneptah: Lower EgyptCarchemish: Southeastern AnatoliaUgarit: Northern CanaanAssyria: Central Upper MesopotamiaAeolia: Central Greece
Setnakhte: North part of Western DesertCimmerians: Northern AnatoliaAshkelon: Southern CanaanShutrukid: Southeastern MesopotamiaIthaca: Western Greece
Napata: Upper EgyptAlashiya: CypressByblos: Central CanaanLullubi: Northern MesopotamiaLycia: Southern Asia Minor
Dungul: South parth of Western DesertMalidiya: Eastern AnatoliaDamascus: Central CanaanShubru: Northwestern MesopotamiaThrace: Western Thrace
Meshwesh: Central Western DesertSangarian Phrygians: Central Asia MinorEmar: Eastern CanaanSutu: Western MesopotamiaBoeotians: Central Greece

With so many to choose from, which minor faction piques your interest the most?

Updated a month ago.
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a month ago
Jul 25, 2024, 2:24:10 PM
The correct spelling is Cyprus. Cypress is just a type of tree often planted in cemeteries.
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a month ago
Jul 27, 2024, 11:50:50 PM

Currently playing as Troy but once I wrap things up I intend on trying the Cimmerians

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