What's the unique unique salespoint for this game?

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8 months ago
Oct 24, 2023, 1:49:22 PM

As someone who has played every game since Shogun 2, though not all on this account, what does this title offer uniquely, that none before did?

From what i've seen, it doesn't reach the depth of Shogun 2's interlocking systems, the scope of Rome 2, the devastation of Atilla's apocalypse,

The faction roster, like Britania and Shogun 2 feels very limited, due to the setting being almost exclusively egypt. Not a cardinal sin. Shogun 2's factions are closely alike, but that was an excellent game due to the value of combat tactics on its battlefields. Troy tried to walk a middleground between going full on ancient mythical, and historical, and while the game was fun for one or two playthroughs through steam family sharing, it did not convince me i'd be playing enough campaigns to justify the purchase.

I'm not picky here. I like ancient egypt as a setting. I'm just looking for one thing this game does better than any other since Shogun 2, and so far, I'm drawing blanks. Anyone found something about this game that is truly standout in the series?

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8 months ago
Oct 25, 2023, 8:59:10 AM

nothing extraordinary here.

I mean: if you're passionate about Egyptian history then there's something for you.

music, scenery, context, armies, 2D art, it's all very beautiful. some mechanics are fun, others are boring and repetitive in the long run (the court system).

so get it if you like the context, otherwise you won't miss anything that will make you jump out of your seat

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8 months ago
Oct 25, 2023, 11:29:23 AM

What I want from any TW game is for all of the AI factions going about their business the same way regardless of which faction I choose to play as.

 Unfortunately, the AI instead bases its action on which faction I choose. AI-controlled Skarsnic is ignored until he tries to expand in WH2 for example, but if you choose to play as Skarsnic prepare to be attacked from all points of the compass.

 I hate that. TW Pharaoh’s AI factions are quite active, but are not so overly focused in the player (I’ll not claim “not at all focused in the player”) as previous TW games are.

 That difference alone - among many other facets of Pharaoh - make this one of - if not “the” - best TW games I’ve ever played. 

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