Dorians - barbaric proto-Greeks, unique faction missing in Pharaoh's update

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3 months ago
Jun 18, 2024, 9:17:26 PM
According to minor faction list we will get bunch of very interesting factions with rich historical background (Ugarit, Carchemish, Igihalkid Elamites) or tactical sitaution (good luck with eating copper and surviving as a Alashiya in a middle of Sea People raids), but still there are few important missing Bronze Age nations. 
Perhaps the most interesting among lacking factions are Dorians, but what is special here? Please let me share my thoughts and ideas about this faction.

1) Destroyers of Mycenaean civilization
Basically they will be another invader, this time arriving from the Balkans. For some players, that's not a really exciting faction - just another evil horde of Teutons, Huns or other Chaos Warriors; but for others - punisher for all these decadent civilized weaklings. For personal reasons some players prefer to be conquerors than civilization builders. After Bronze Age collapse and fall of Mycenaenian palace economy, Dorians migrated to Peloponese and settled there - their most fameous city-state was highly militarized Sparta.

2) Iron weapons
For casual historians, Dorians were pioneers of iron metallurgy. Perhaps that wasn't a thing in real world - iron weapons and tools were used in some degree among Hittites - but from game design perspective, it's an oportunity to introduce faction which is not dependant from supply of bronze, as well as will handle all of these bronzeclad heavy Hittites and Myceneans easly. Bronze is necessary to unkeep our elite units and it might be a serious problem in late stage of the game, hovewer Dorians armed with weapons made of cheap and common iron will have advantage over bronze addicted civilized empires.

3) Mythological background
In ancient Greek tradition and literature Dorians were ruled by descendants of Heracles (this fameous greek hero from myths and Disney animation, demigod and son of Zeus) - the Heracleidae clan, who believed that throne of Myceanae was righfully their by birth right. After three generations, the they finally launched a successfull invasion of Greece, conqured most of Peloponesus and killed fameous Agammemnon's grandson - king Tisamenus. At least that is a picture left by Ancient Greeks.

4) Greeks
Greeks are fan favourites of historical playerbase - we love playing campaigns as Greek-city states, rebuild Alexander's empire as one of Diadochi kingdoms or reconquer old provinces of Rome for legitimate Roman Empire - Byzantium in Medieval. Now we might have an unique oportunity to see non-civilized tribal Greeks, a bit similar to Norscans from Warhammer games.
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3 months ago
Jun 18, 2024, 9:29:08 PM

you’re too early.  While there’s some debate as to the origin of the Dorians, they didn’t start to emerge until a few decades later.  

There are several theories as to the origins of the Dorians, possibly invaders similar to the Libu and the sea peoples, or possibly the local poor revolting against the ruling class

Updated 3 months ago.
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3 months ago
Jun 18, 2024, 10:17:11 PM

Cimmerians didn't start to emerge until a few centuries later and we are getting them as playable faction. Phrygians are also decades before setteling in central Anatolia, so Dorians will not be more inacurate historically than these two.

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3 months ago
Jun 20, 2024, 1:27:41 PM

there are archaeologists (e. cline) who support the thesis that the Dorians never existed.

however, I would have liked to have an antagonistic faction in greece

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3 months ago
Jun 20, 2024, 7:36:05 PM

toskyrun#2614 wrote:

there are archaeologists (e. cline) who support the thesis that the Dorians never existed.

however, I would have liked to have an antagonistic faction in greece

That's true, from scientific point of view - Dorian invasion theory aged like milk.

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3 months ago
Jun 21, 2024, 5:12:19 AM

CA have included all sorts of semi-mythical factions / groups in game now. If they are historically plausible (eg NOT introducing Assyrian cavalry several hundred years before time), can't see why it can't be depicted. However, are the Dorians such an example? .. I've yet to be convinced.

The most glaring historical omission in the whole game is still ISRAEL (followed by Edom, Moab and Ammon)

Updated 3 months ago.
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3 months ago
Jul 11, 2024, 12:42:07 PM

Psycho_V#4329 wrote:

CA have included all sorts of semi-mythical factions / groups in game now. If they are historically plausible (eg NOT introducing Assyrian cavalry several hundred years before time), can't see why it can't be depicted. However, are the Dorians such an example? .. I've yet to be convinced.

The most glaring historical omission in the whole game is still ISRAEL (followed by Edom, Moab and Ammon)

There is not a single archaelogical evidence of Israelites as nation or kingdom that describe their existance in Bronze Age and Iron Age. Only by the end of the Classical Age, due the Teantropos they write about them. Israelite is not a race , but any man, Egyptian, Syrian, Hitite, Persian, Hellenic,  Roman, British, Arab, Turkish, Russian, Chinese, that repents, and begin to worship God and serve His militant Church under His saints leadership and reject any other form of being as human creature.

Updated 3 months ago.
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3 months ago
Jul 11, 2024, 12:49:05 PM

Let's get back to this thread's topic of discussion folks.

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