I hope they announce something Pharaoh tomorrow

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7 months ago
Dec 6, 2023, 12:01:33 PM

I have defended TW Pharaoh since its release. The campaign game has improved alot. Still, the game can be manipulated and becom ae very easy game to play on Legendary/Vet/IronMan/NoCustoms.

I have seen a player with 20 armies with Bay, having no upkeep costs, around turn 50. Having only the Levit. And it was a player that always played his campaigns on normal level, then I have chalenged him to do the same on Legendary level, and he managed to win it on turn 150. He managed to do it, exploring very wisely all the shrines, monuments, etc, that exist in Canaan.

But I dont think this should be so easily done. Legendary level, should be the closest to reality, and its absurd the stockpile that a player can have by playing his campaign. And we are talking about Bay, one of the hardest factions to play with ...

The amount of resources and upkeept costs must be review.

And I also would like to leave my disapointment about the Dynasty Edition. 2 months have passed, and TW/CA/SEGA have got my money and I dont have the content that was promoted by TW Pharaoh. That is not honest, this is stealing. I apologize for the words, but it is. I bought a game for 90€ and after 2 months I only have the content of the game of 50€. 

You sold me a game of 90€ and after 2 months I am only playing for your game of 50€. This is unreal.

Updated 7 months ago.
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7 months ago
Dec 6, 2023, 2:50:36 PM

It's sad but a good life lesson for the people who put down money for the Dynasty edition.  I'm sure you'll get something eventually, but putting down that much money for a some kind of dlc at some unknown future point isn't a good idea.  You lose nothing from waiting for CA Sofia to announce what they're actually selling.

Personally I think CA should take the lessons from Pharaoh and move on to a new project.

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7 months ago
Dec 6, 2023, 3:11:32 PM

I agree with you. I've been patient until now, but now I want to know what I spent €90 on and what I'm waiting for...

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7 months ago
Dec 6, 2023, 8:12:11 PM

For what it's worth - I love Total War Pharaoh, it's scope, and the overall general direction Total War games (ToB, 3K, Troy, etc.) have gone in recent years. It is very refreshing to play a Total War game that's not set on a large map of Europe. Medieval 3 and Empire 2 can come a decade from now for all I care. 

I purchased TW Pharaoh's Dynasty Edition and I am surprised that new content has yet to be announced for the holiday season. If the promise of future DLC is going to be sold like this then I would hope that the CA team had at least prepared some kind of DLC content for release within the first few months of release, especially considering TWP's already limited scope. I've completed campaigns as the Hittites and Egyptians and I'm already at that point where I'm weighing taking a break from the game before it starts becoming dull due to repetition.

At the least some kind of roadmap would be appreciated. Relic's community outreach and roadmap for Company of Heroes 3 has been well received by that particular game's fanbase. 

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7 months ago
Dec 8, 2023, 10:44:28 PM

I come from the future. They did not announce something tomorrow (yesterday). Lesson to not pre-order non-existent DLC for a side game in a series (let me remind you that this game was made by a previous DLC studio of much smaller size than the official CA historical game team). They essentially sold a saga game by a much smaller team for $100 with promise of future dlc content. Player numbers simply aren't there. Doesn't bode well for high quality expansive dlc content in the future. Sorry...

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7 months ago
Dec 9, 2023, 7:11:17 PM
Cyrus550#4745 wrote:

I come from the future. They did not announce something tomorrow (yesterday). Lesson to not pre-order non-existent DLC for a side game in a series (let me remind you that this game was made by a previous DLC studio of much smaller size than the official CA historical game team). They essentially sold a saga game by a much smaller team for $100 with promise of future dlc content. Player numbers simply aren't there. Doesn't bode well for high quality expansive dlc content in the future. Sorry...

What you fail to understand is that announcing a non-existing DLC for an amount of money is breach of contract between Steam (or any other game launcher services) and the Publisher, and even the consumers (that's why you are prompted to agree on something everytime you purchase something) so it's actually nonsensical to even think that there's such thing as a "non existing purchaseable DLC". Sorry, no sorry. You're not making sense.

Updated 7 months ago.
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