​I seige a walled city with two armies (one attacker and one nearby as backup) and begin construction of seige equipment and end turn. On AI turn, multiple factions then also surround the subject walled city. Then, on my turn, I attempt to attack the city using both my armies and newly constructed seige equipment.

BUG: On the pre-battle screen, it shows not just my main army and backup as reinforcements, but also shows the other third party AI armies as "reinforcements  as well. These armies are not my allies. I don't even have friendly relations with them. Worse, on the battle screen, only my first attacking army (the one that actaully seiged the city) is shown. There is no icon for my reinforcing army, and the top of the screen shows the general faces of the third party uninvited armies. When I begin the battle, not only do my reinforcments not show up, but the uninvited so-called reinforcements don't show up either. 

The only solution for the player here is to auto-resolve the battle (lame) or fight with just the initial army (non-starter). PLEASE FIX.